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I want her back...but not sure how to do it.

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Five years ago in high school I dated the most amazing girl. She is truly the only person I have ever fallen head over heals for. We dated for a year and a half, and then broke up because we both needed time to grow. We have both gone on, dated other people and grown in our lives. I got in touch with her about a year ago and we talked over email and im for six months (we go to college in different cities), and suddenly just stopped talking. The other week, we got in touch with each other again and have shared a couple of emails, and my feelings for her are starting to come out again! I will be in the same city as her in a week for a college internship, and would like to see what happens between us. Any advice on how I should go about it? If I don't find out if she has feelings too, I'll always be wondering 'what if'. I need some advice...

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My advice would be to arrange to meet then see how you feel, i believe you will both know whether it's going to work or not when you meet face to face.


It's been a long time and you have probably both changed alot....... but, i believe in fate and if it's meant to be it will be.

As kdreger says, try not to have too many expectations about the situation, Just take it as it comes and be yourself...... I wish you the best of luck, you are privelidged to have this opportunity to meet again, so many people loose touch these days

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Good for you my friend...sounds like your on the right track.....she my be the love of your life, and you will never know until you ask her face to face. My advice, if you want to take it is......have coffee "not drinks, not just yet maybe later" and just talk, and feel her out alittle. After all it has been awhile for the both of you. And you both have built a past in the last year or so. And remember.....take it real slow, do not put any pressure on her. She might be seeing someone and now your back in the picture (this happen alot) or maybe she is not seeing anyone. You can find all this out over coffee. If she asks if you are you seeing anyone, then to me that would be a "Great Sign that she is interested in you. Look for that sign my friend. It will all come out in the conversation trust me.....and if you get lucky ( And I have a feeling you will) maybe you can talk about future plans. Sounds like a great date to look forward to....try a starbuck's, they are pretty laid back and every city has one. You might want to bring her a nice card, and present it to her when you arive at the meeting. That could help set the tone....something caring...but not to mushie. Good Luck !!!!! And go for it !!!!! She might just be the love of your life, and they do not come around all that often. If you really love her, don't let her get away.


You will be fine.....true love finds the way.



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