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My World or Someone elses?

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What happens when someone comes along and pops your "lil" bubble?


I guess I dont really know where to take myself. I seem to live in this care free bubble with no real worries and a huge smile on my face, it doesnt fit my image or style of music and that takes enough emotional beating on its own! But atleast I'm me.


I guess when someone slaps you into reality and you dont know where to turn the world can seem a bit harsh really.


I dont really know what bit of advice im looking for, maybe its an opinion. Am i stupid for being so optimistic and care free at times. Im not hinting at being more pessimistic, i think things through enough.


I guess being me makes me vulnerable.. that or people can be harsh.


I dont know, I guess im spanning of from loads of thoughts and not really filling you all in.


Thanks anyway, just a vent maybe. Kell

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Hey Kell,

I know what kind of personality you are implying, but I don't think you are completely care-free.

You are poetic, and people who are poetic are rarely self-absorbed in their own little bubbles.


If you are being true to yourself, and who you are - it doesn't matter what you are like and it isn't worth analyzing.

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I don't think there is anything wrong with it, especially at your age. You have your whole life to be faced with the worries and problems that the harsh reality of life will throw at you. If things are going good right now then I say be happy and enjoy it. Just don't be naive or think that everything is always going to be peachy keen. Also, if you want to give yourself a dose of reality, why not direct some of that upbeat optimism towards volunteering and helping out others who the world hasn't been so kind to? See if you can spread some of that optimism to other people.

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Hey Kell,

I know what kind of personality you are implying, but I don't think you are completely care-free.

You are poetic, and people who are poetic are rarely self-absorbed in their own little bubbles.


If you are being true to yourself, and who you are - it doesn't matter what you are like and it isn't worth analyzing.


Thanks, i see what your getting at. Im not completely self absorbed, I know that. Poetry is my way of venting, most of the time it doesnt seem to make sense. But thats what i use it for. Im in my bubble but im aware. I guess sometimes i try to be naive, i know whats happening but sometimes ignore it. Im not stupid to life though.


I dont know.


Analysing is natural to me. Its one of my faults.




Anywho. I do voluntry work already, but thanks for the idea. Smiles. I know im young, but im also really curious. Its in my nature, I just had to ask.





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You caught me out. Yes I am - very.

I believe there is a deeper meaning to most situations. Body language, word choice and tone are key to that.


Especially when I have done something I regret: I will play the situation over and over in my mind, thinking about what I said, what I should have said, etc.


I would not change it. It's who I am, and I'm better off for it.


I am also over-opinionated, as you may have guessed...

But I like that about me, and other people.

It shows that they care enough to have thoughts on things that sometimes don't even concern them.

And in my books; that is not a bad thing.


Take care.

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Am i stupid for being so optimistic and care free at times.


I don't think stupid would be the right word, it sounds like that is who you are. It also sounds like someone said something to you to make you raise this question?


I know lots of people who have your type of disposition (my partner is actually similar). I love the fact that she lives her life in a bubble of happiness and I envy her that.


Where I do get annoyed with her sometimes though is her disposition also means that she tends to ignore potentially detrimental consequences. If all your actions and decisions are based on the best case scenario, you can make decisions that don't take full account of the risks attached.


I wouldn't want her to change but I do feel sometimes the burden of being the one who always says "but what if this happens?". So it's like responsibility is abbrogated to me. I become the one responsible for NOT doing things, she is the one responsible for doing things...if that makes sense.


We live with it but that maybe where some animosity comes from other people who don't have your optimisitic outlook. Some people would call naivety.

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I believe there is a deeper meaning to most situations. Body language, word choice and tone are key to that.


Especially when I have done something I regret: I will play the situation over and over in my mind, thinking about what I said, what I should have said, etc.


I would not change it. It's who I am, and I'm better off for it.


I am also over-opinionated, as you may have guessed...

But I like that about me, and other people.

It shows that they care enough to have thoughts on things that sometimes don't even concern them.

And in my books; that is not a bad thing.


Ditto here.


There is nothing wrong with being optimistic. I have often been slammed for being too optimistic and hopeful. I've been told I am naive and live in a dream world. But if no one dreamed like that, then how would progress ever be made? Someone has to keep up hope, someone has to believe in better things. Someone has to believe that things that things will work out. Afterall, would you want everyone going around reminding you of the harsh realities of this world and thinking that things can't work out for the best? People who are optimistic can help to inspire others, and thus they can get things done where others can't.


I think the goal is to have a balance. I call myself a realistic optomist. I always try to think positively and believe things work out for the best, but I am also realistic on what is most likely to happen. That way I am not constantly being disappointed when things don't live up to my dreams, and I can dream big. I realize that people don't usually think like I do and don't get as upset. Sure, its often frustrating. But I hope for the best, and plan for the worst. Thus, all bases are covered.

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You caught me out. Yes I am - very.

I believe there is a deeper meaning to most situations. Body language, word choice and tone are key to that.


Especially when I have done something I regret: I will play the situation over and over in my mind, thinking about what I said, what I should have said, etc.


I would not change it. It's who I am, and I'm better off for it.


I am also over-opinionated, as you may have guessed...

But I like that about me, and other people.

It shows that they care enough to have thoughts on things that sometimes don't even concern them.

And in my books; that is not a bad thing.


Take care.



I agree with everything you say. I love being analytical and cuurious, and ive always got too many Questions.
i think theres times when it can be a hinderance, or atleast cause a little chaos. Im not saying its bad - even when i am analysing "not so nice situations" it can be good. But i just dont think its always helpful.


I think its a great trate, I love people who are opinionated and voice there own side, and more so those who can flip after theyve voiced it.


Yet sometimes, its the unvoiced fights and opinions that can hit back.


I like what you said though, and yes, it does do me alot of good, but theres times where i wish i wasnt so analytical, that i didnt pick up on the smallest of things and blow it out of preportion and that i just didnt notice for once.


Thanks though *smiles*



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We live with it but that maybe where some animosity comes from other people who don't have your optimisitic outlook. Some people would call naivety.


Yeah, alot of people seem to think im naive, often its not that, just that i dont know anyway. I understand the world, i dont think that everything is absolutely perfect and im sure i have a few things that id put to the board to correct that, but at the same time, i do think thats its nice to live life as it is and just bypass the bad. I dont think thats a silly thing, i think it gets you on your way. Im not completely like your partner, sometimes i can be too cautious, im only about 90% in a care free bubble, give or take a little.


Life intrigues me alot, i just think the nature of who i am that pushes me onto the brighter side, pessimistic people worry me, maybe its because i know i have the potential to think as they do. Im not saying its bad to be pessimistic, not thats its great either, but its not how i'd like to view the world, so i dont. Im not naive though. I just tend to ignore.


I think the ignoring can be bad on me though, i push it to one side until something is pent up, (this "bubble" im referring to, does know how to be sad or angry lol, its just not often the appearance) and then i "pop" so to speak.


Maybe im side tracked, wouldnt want to waffle now!

Thanks though, im sure id love her character. *smiles*




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"I always try to think positively and believe things work out for the best, but I am also realistic on what is most likely to happen. That way I am not constantly being disappointed when things don't live up to my dreams, and I can dream big. I realize that people don't usually think like I do and don't get as upset. Sure, its often frustrating. But I hope for the best, and plan for the worst. Thus, all bases are covered."


(sorry i forgot how to quote!)


You are quite inspiring, arent you! I like the way you think, i take it your a bit of an analyst yourself, not everyone comes to a conclusion like that from thin air! My dreams are big, hopeful and usually preplanned to ensure they work out, but theres a few downfalls, milestones maybe! I think you put into words what i was trying to achieve. A few tips may be in order *smiles*


I think the world does gain alot from a few "free spirits" but at the same time, the opposite and most diverse person to me is someone else i feel, that i gain alot from. Balance is required!


I know what you mean when you can be hurt, to say that our bubbles are so joyful, hopeful and usually random its odd when we do feel a harsh smack of pain. But its pretty rewarding at the same time - in an odd respect.


I once never thought id never regret, that was a milestone and a half for me. I used to tell myself that "if an action was done in the passion of the moment then, despite it possibly being wrong now, it was right for you at the time!" Ive learnt i was naive there! So yes, for me, regret has been one painful thing. To realise my bubble doesnt always do good.


Anywho, lets round that up, i got distracted, again! kell

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I once never thought id never regret, that was a milestone and a half for me. I used to tell myself that "if an action was done in the passion of the moment then, despite it possibly being wrong now, it was right for you at the time!" Ive learnt i was naive there! So yes, for me, regret has been one painful thing. To realise my bubble doesnt always do good.


Got an interesting way of looking at this. Yes, there are things that I wish I hadn't done. I've made mistakes and had actions that were not right. It wasn't right when I did it, isn't right now. But I still don't regret it. Everything that I have done has helped to make me the person I am today. No matter how small, all of my choices has lead me down the road I took to the point I am at right now. The good choices and the bad. The good has helped strengthed my confidence and shown me I am a good person. The bad has helped me see my flaws so I can work on them and motivate me to do better. So I ask myself, do I like who I am now. My answer is yes. If I like myself, then why regret the choices that made me into the person I like? And if I don't like myself, there is still time to take past experiences and use them as lessons to try and build a life I can be proud of.


Yes, I am an analyst. Sometimes I wish my brain had an off button I could push.

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I take it you can always come up with a twist for things, i like that! I can see what you mean, everything is there for me to agree with - but at the same time im a little resilient.


Some things you do with intentions and no matter how much you say "do i like the person i am now", fair enough i can say yes, but it doesnt necessarily mean i liked the route i took to get here.


Its not as thought ive stood on myself, in which case id have only me to blame, but ive stood on other people, which again is only me to blame, BUT its a whole lot of difference knowing, when someone else asks themselves "do i like myself" they might say no.


And, in effect you could have been that person to tip them to that decision. I dont believe ive done something so severe that i have been the entire reason for a "no i dont like myself" BUT im not going to go into denial and say i wasnt one to make a contribution.



You dont have to agree here, but fair enough "my bubble" as i keep calling it, can be a happy and whole.

But, not everyone elses are, and im partially the cause of that, because of these actions that were, as i once put it "done in the passion of the moment" were something i shouldnt have done at all.


So what if a fraction of me would then say "maybe i dont like myself" but id prefer that over someone else, just because of my actions.



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