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Weirdest eye contact I ever had with a woman


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I had a weird thing happen that never happened in my life and I am wondering if any ever had this happen to them or what does it mean. I like this woman who I think is shy "so am I" and I spoke to her for the first time and during our conversation I had the weirdest thing happen I am not sure what it was or why it happened but I think she was looking into my eyes or something because I got like a funny feeling and all I could see was her face, it was like there was nobody or nothing in the room but her face for a few seconds.


Also I just said How are you today and she said Ok and had this Deer in the headlights look where she just kept staring at me without saying a word until I got over the shock of her looking at me like that and I spoke to her more. What the heck was that about.

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Thats happened to me. Sometimes I just cant control my face. My guess is she was just shocked that you spoke to her, especially b/c that was the first time & if she likes you it just put her on the spot even more. I wouldnt analyze shy ppl. really, its not worth it b/c shy ppl are extremely hard to figure out. Ppl say to me all the time oh you made this face, you did this. And what they thought I meant by those things were waaay off. Who knows? Maybe she wasnt even aware she was looking @ you that way. But if you MUST know then ASK her!!!!

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Hey usdaprime...is this the same girl in that other thread? The one at the restaurant?


She's still doing the "Deer in the headlights look"?!

Do something! Ask her out.


Don't dwell on it anymore - ask her out, you have nothing to lose.

She seems pretty interested. Why haven't you asked her out after all this time?

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