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Another x-mas yet ANOTHER REGRET!!

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Yep...u got it I MESSED UP!! The heart was pounding the mind was running the thoughts were clouding up my head and I CALLED LIKE A REAL IDIOT!!!!! I let the phone ring twice and he called me back and I p/u and he didnt even let a word get in he just tarted like with the mean things he says!! i HUNG UP...He called back and I let it go to voicemailand he said (MIND U HE CALLED ME AFTER 5 MONTHS JUST THE OTHER DAY) leave me alone dont call me gain...i know i shouldnt of called u it was a mistake dont call me evr again...i told u not to and u said u werent u f'd up... OMG!!!!!!! gimme a freikin' break im NOT putting myself through this! I HOPE AND PRAY that we NEVER speak again!!! I was sooo good w/o hearing hiss voice after 5 months now just like last year im back at square 1!! I dont deserve this WHY did I do it??? im sooo depressed and such an idiot!!!!!!!!

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Measure the pain and frustration of 5 months of NC, then measure the pain and frustration of his 30 second call. See what I'm getting at? It's like sex and pregnancy, an hour of passion and pleasure which leads to 9 months of discomfort and pain. You let a moment of weakness get the best of you. Maybe now you will use his last parting words to you as further motivation to go and stay NC. You fell off the wagon, it happens.

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OMG!!! Relation Coach....ur reply realllllly stuck to me....your comparison was soooo true and real!! I read ur reply 5x!!! As for all the other replys they as well are sooo true and meaningful to me! Thank you all! I hope and pray that one day I will get over him on my OWN w/o havnganother man just for the plain simple reason of forgetting him. I have to forget him on my own from within....

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