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Is it wrong to be happy about being pregnant when your only a teenager?


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Hey young1.... yes Hope75 I have atlked to him.. Just go under my thread and read what I wrote today...

Young1 how ru? I hope your good I'm depressed a little but how is Hannah? I wish we lived close together in Mississippi because then Ava and Hannah could play together(when they're born and older) But anyway pm me and we can see how close we actually are .... Bye


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Im so sorry Erica! My ex was cheating on me.

Im feeling good today Hannah is doing good im showing more today it seems. I 'm really happy. Her Name is going to be Hannah Claire Lawrence like my name is Allyson Claire Lawrence. Im really feeling peppy today. I've been looking on websites for littlegirl stuff.! Its really fun!

Anyone Talked to mialeah lately im sorta worried because i havent talked to her in a loing while. I hope everything is ok!


Allyson L.

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I'm here and I'm alright.

I went into early labor last week, for the second time so far, so I've been in bed resting a lot lately.

Only about 3.5 months to go now, thankfully.

I got accepted to a school near me which I will be going to instead of the college I was planning on going to which was far away from home.

I don't know about you, but it's very uncomfortable to sleep now that my stomach is very round and in the way.

I'm being treated like an invalid by everyone; friends, parents, boyfriend. My boyfriend and my parents are not on good terms, but he's coming over constantly to make sure I'm alright. I wish I could just move in with him now.

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Hey Mialeah,


Sleeping on your left side is the best way for you to reduce the pressure on your organs and to allow for good circulation throughout your body. Try to put a pillow between your legs to help keep your back aligned and prevent backache during the day.


Why can't you move in with your boyfriend now?

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Thanks for the advice. I've tried sleeping several different ways and all are pretty uncomfortable. I want to sleep on my stomach!


I can't move in with him b/c my parents want me to stay here until the baby is born, which won't be until May. I'm not moving in with him until July, most likely. They were so upset about the whole thing that I agreed to stay until then.

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Hey MiaLeah,

I know exactly what you mean. I cant get confortable or anything because i want to sleep on my stomach too!!! The left side is pretty confortable though. Im due in May too so like you im getting round and it's hard to sleep.

I thought yesterday i was going into early labor but luckly i wasnt.


Pm me sometime and we can talk. ANy of you can!

Later! Allyson!

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Sleeping on your stomach is not a good idea for you or the baby. It puts too much pressure on your uterus and amniotic sac.


The left side is best, and don't be afraid to get liberal with the pillows to aid in your comfort. Put one behind your back, between your knees, against your belly.


Most women find it harder and harder to find a comfortable position for sleep once they reach the third trimester. The important thing is that your circulation and the baby's circulation isn't compromised.

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I know sleeping on your stomach isn't good for the baby. I couldn't even sleep on my stomach if I tried anyway.


Must Love Dogs, you should be really careful then, even though you weren't going into early labor. It could be a sign that something might happen later on. I had this strange pressure like feeling for about a week and I didn't do anything about it. Turns out, it was kind of a warning that something was going to happen. It was horrible. Now I have to spend the majority of the day lying in bed or on the couch. I want to go to a concert next month...I'm determined!

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LOL Mialeah! Its good to hear from you again. I was getting worried! I hope everything will be ok. I also like you both are exsperiencing its hard to get comfortable. I Think we are all close together in due dates. I got to the doctor around the 5th of march. Then from there every 2 weeks till im due starting in april. But oh well. Mialeah have you decided what you are going to name your baby?

anyway its good to hear from all of you!

Keep it posted!


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It's nice to know you were worrying (well, not that you were worrying, but you know). Everything should be fine as long as I just take it easy, which is getting harder and harder to do. I have an appointment tomorrow, which is kind of stupid since I have been there 4 times within the past two weeks.


Well my boyfriend and I have it narrowed down to two names. I'd rather not say just yet. We're actually not telling anyone, not even our families. My best friend is determined to find out before the baby's born, but my lips are sealed.

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Hi MiaLeah,

I know what you mean about it seeming impossible. however, my sister found herself in the exact same kind of situation and my niece's little brother is only 6 months younger than she is. Stranger things have happened.


I understand why you feel ashamed and all, but shame doesn't really serve any purpose except to make you miserable and to waste your energy. I hope you can get beyond the shame.




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Hi Allyson!!!!! OMG my stuff for the baby came today. My sister Amy and I are going to fix up the room for our babies this weekend. She got sports stuff, and I got ballerina stuff. Its really cute and we have gotten strollers carriers/carseat, and a few other things but its pretty cool. WE are having a shower for each of us on the 14th of april. Its going to so much fun.. I wish you guys could come. But we should get all the smaller things we need at the shower. Anyway... I'll talk to you guys later!



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Hi MiaLeah,

I know what you mean about it seeming impossible. however, my sister found herself in the exact same kind of situation and my niece's little brother is only 6 months younger than she is. Stranger things have happened.


I understand why you feel ashamed and all, but shame doesn't really serve any purpose except to make you miserable and to waste your energy. I hope you can get beyond the shame.





Well, I am not often exposed to pregnant teens anyway, especially those who have boyfriends who sleep with their best friends and get them pregnant as well. I am not associated with trash.


I know shame doesn't serve any purpose, but I'm not about to get up and start celebrating any time soon! I'm sorry that I had major plans and that I am from a family and lifestyle where teen pregnancy isn't looked upon as a good thing at all. I can't help but be ashamed. I'm not ashamed of the baby, I'm ashamed of myself and my actions and having to admit to being 17 and pregnant. I'm ashamed that I lied to my parents about everything. Sorry, I have a conscience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MIALEAH if your referring to Erica As trash... You seroiusly need to think about that again. I think it is wrong to talk about something you know little about. And before you throw this at me I want you to know for a fact i know who erica is and were she lives and knows its far far far from trash... Im not trying to be a little snobby brat or anything but who told you you were queen of the world and are better than anyone else in this forum? Not saying im am either but not just Erica any of these other girls could be having that sorta thing go on. Its not there fault its there fuking boyfriends.

Your no different from anyone else Mialeah whether you think so or not.



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MIALEAH if your referring to Erica As trash... You seroiusly need to think about that again. I think it is wrong to talk about something you know little about. And before you throw this at me I want you to know for a fact i know who erica is and were she lives and knows its far far far from trash... Im not trying to be a little snobby brat or anything but who told you you were queen of the world and are better than anyone else in this forum? Not saying im am either but not just Erica any of these other girls could be having that sorta thing go on. Its not there fault its there fuking boyfriends.

Your no different from anyone else Mialeah whether you think so or not.




I wasn't directing it at any one person directly. Oh, yeah, it's completely their the guys' faults. Come on. Unless the girls were raped, then they had a say in it! Yeah, I am different...but that's too complicated to go into now.

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Mialeah, I know what you mean. I come from a wealthy family and girls just dont get pregnant without being married around here. I'm the first i think since like i dont know when. I feel ashamed of myself not the baby. I knew better yet i dissappointed my parents completely. I have(hopefully) got most of there trust back. My boyfriend(daddy of the baby) fully supports me. He is also from a wealthy family. I feel ashamed also because i embarrased my parents. Like you know other people think they didnt disciplin me, give me any boundries, etc. I dont want people to think badly of me, my parents, my boyfriend, or my baby. My boyfriend is Graduating this year and is going to college. After i have the baby we are getting married and im going to move with him. Im to far along to get married right now and because i found out later i couldnt because like i said i am to far along.


But i understand Mialeah you should have to apoligize for telling the God honest truth. We both are different. I agree with the above statements strongly. So and I know; anyone in there right mind could see that you werent directing that towards in anyone. Girls are just to overly sensitive these days. Get over yourselves.



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Dog_Fancy_Gurl24, you got exactly what I meant. I'm not ashamed of the baby, I'm just ashamed of myself. I feel I let my parents down, lied to them, and lost their trust. I'm happy for you that you're getting married. I guess that makes you look a little better. The father of my baby is nearly 16 years older than me. We're not getting married, at least not anytime soon. I just feel this adds to the whole situation. Anyway, hope all is well with you. Thanks for understanding.

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