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hello everybody,

I dont know how excatly to tel this story its about my living bf the situation right now we live together for 11 months but my relation to him is not heathy at all we have really so very awful arguments and fights it end up of calling a police causing that he hit me and mislead me 4 times he keep promises that he wont hit me and i forgive him he is alcholic person everytime he is totaly drunk and he become a different person but i love him so much very much so by the 4th the he hit me so i call a police just to have his signature and promise not to hit me anymore thats why he hit me coz we have plan to be married soon but i found out by accident on his email with his adoring x gf that if its not about financial problem he woudnt marry me. This girl is a married person but as what i discovered from his email he love that girl more than any women in this world nobody could ever change that feling that he has but i feel like he betrayed me knowing that i thought he is inlove by me i feel like he is unfaithful to me when he is saying that he wants to intimate with her missing her physically and he could leave me if the girl devorce her husband coz she was giving some options that she is going to sent some air plain ticket to meet here and leave me for any days weeks if there is going bad to happened in my relation to him. So i finally know that he love that women than me coz she is sexy and having a big boobs and smart intelegent while he is discribing me dumb,no interest in life and what so ever.

Now his giving me this reason thats why he is leaving the country because i call a police my lies who help me to know and seek his real felings

people i need your all comments and advice

he is leaving soon after christmas but it cause me moribund and dying inside but i already realize that i know iam not meant for him but is just i love him so much and the pain is attach to it

eve though he is teling me that he is bored with me and i feel like insulted and its like his putting me down

what should i do ?

please help me it will be a big help me!


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Hey Girl,


I'm sorry that you are feeling so sad about this guy.


Can I tell you something? When a guy tells you that he is in love with his ex and would leave you if it weren't for money, calls you dumb and hits you, he does not love you.


Honey, you deserve so much more than this!


There are so many things wrong with this picture.


He's an alcoholic, he abuses you, blatently admits he does not love you and that if he could afford it he would leave you for his ex.


I know you are hurting and that you feel that you will be lost without him, but truly, you are going to be better off without him. Someone who treats you this way does not deserve to be any part of your life.


By getting him out of your life, you open the door for someone who will treat you with respect and who will truly love you.

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