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Everything posted by LilyLuzifer

  1. Here is what my experience tought me: 1.) if a guy is acting way too jealouse, he is prolly doing something bad himslef ->making out with a girl 2.) he is not gonna change, believe me 3.) you have the choice: either accept the way he is and stay with him, or dump him. I don"t want to sound rude but what he is doing to you is not ok at all! He can"t flip out over little stuff you do and than make out with another girl. I would try to have one last serious talk with him. Tell him what"s bothering you. try to stay calm. And if he still doesnt change I would think bout breaking up with him. I mean, it"s your choice what u do. PM me if you want to talk. Kat
  2. I don"t know, I think about breaking up with him. Right now, I cant cuz we are in the states for vacation and I am at his famiy"s house. I have no one here plus it"s still 4 more days to go. He is about to go to iraq in january but please, how should a long term relationship work if he is already doing this WHILE I am still around. I don"t want to imagine what he"ll do when he is alone for a year. On the other hand. I really love him and I can"t break up with him. Love is so wicked....... Thanks for your advice though! It"s just good to hear what other peolpe would do if they were me...... PS. I can"t sent PMs for some reason.....
  3. that kind of sounds like my story. if you want to, please send me a pm....
  4. Hi there! I have a big problem: I am in a relationship for 1 1/2 years now. everything seemed to be perfect but: Last april I went into my boyfriends email account and (I know it was wong but I had some proofs he was doing something wrong) I saw that he was sending emails with is ex(?) girlfriend. he said things like he loved her blablabla not a single word of me. Anyway, we talked about it and he promied not to do it again. But now, I saw that he is emailing her again (but she told me cuz we are kind of friends now) and some other girl telling her he loves her, too. What am I supposed to do now??? I have said nothing yet, just watched it for over a month now..... hope u can help me out Kat PS. He is in the army and lives with me in germay, the other two girls are from the states.....
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