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staying friends with me, or want me back?

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its been 6 weeks since my girlfriend finished with me(reason being something wasn't there anymore though she still loves me and fancies me, im 25 shes 21 being going out for 4 years, soul mates etc!!) and im beginning to feel better, last week i went on holiday with family. she was meant to be coming, it was hard at first but got easier. anyway when i was away she went to a wedding, i was meant to be going as well..anyway she starts texting me on my phone saying "how she is lost without me at the wedding and is devastated that im not there...i don't reply to this directly..


when i get back from holiday i see her out with her friends, we chat just general chit chat..anyway when i leave she text messages me again, saying how she nearly cried when i left, and then asks me down her house for sunday lunch....i know i should havent gone but i needed to..so i went, she was very sad and got upset at one point, i was fine and acted really cool...


it seems the whole situation has reversed and now she is feeling bad,,,what do i do?? i want her back but i think she needs to suggest it...


after 6 weeks and she made the split she shouldn't be feeling like this surely, im better and at frist i was obviously more hurt... she stays she still thinks of my constantly as i do her..


do u think she is having second thoughts, i really don't want to bring this up with her as i could push her further away...

i would love to get back with her as bar the last month we were so happy, theres no one else yet, she says she just needs to be on her own for abit, she says she knows im the one and we will get back together one day, but don't they all say that???



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many people say that a true loving relationship will always go through a break up. but since the two people truly love eachother, they will get back together. this is really where your relationship is tested of course. you say you still love her, then instead of flat out saying you wanna be with her still, which u said u want to avoid doing), how aobut just spending a good amount of time with her, and see how that works out. try being just friends, and sthat leads to. hope this helped a bit!



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