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(ive never had a girlfriend before...just for the record) .I have a friend who's girlfriend lives in America (i live in England). Anyways, I have gotten to know his girlfriend really well on MSN Messenger. And we have talked on the phone a bit. But, I get quite nervous talkung on the phone with her and she notices that. Usually on MSN Im really funny and intimate with her. But, on the phone when Im talking to her in person, I cant speak as well and just get generally quite nervous. All I want is to be able to talk to her in a confident and funny way as I normally do to her on MSN and as I normally do when amongst my male friends (thereforeeee, my normal personality). What do you think I can do? What should I do to speak on the phone like when I speak to my best friend or something. Thank you very much for any help!!!

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Don't worry about it, many people have the same difficulty as you.

You should try writing down some general topics to talk about, and if she enjoys chatting on the phone, she should elaborate onto your discussion and thereforeeee making it easier on you.


Try not to stick to the question/answer conversations, because these generally lead to awkward silences (which aren't fun).. so attempt to ask open ended questions, and maybe tell her a story.


Also, the fact that you two live accross The Atlantic from each other.. can have it's benefits, because it gives you things to talk about, and compare between each other's lives. Just try to imaging you're talking to a good friend that you aren't afraid will judge you or not. If she judges you, then she's not worth it anyways.


Be yourself, stay confident, and sooner or later it'll start to get easy.

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Yes, don't worry. Many people have the same problem with talking on the phone. Stay calm, relax.


On the phone is the same as online, you just have a persons voice to hear. That can be scary and more intimate, thus explaining your nerves. However, if has its advantages.. Having someone say "lol" is nice, but to actually hear them laugh is better.


What do you usually talk about online? Just try to take those conversations and continue them on the phone.


Good luck, you can do it.

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