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Cute.. ?

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thats what my ex told me. im cute, not hot. that might seem like its not a compliment, but it is. i think it equals the whole girl you take home to mom (cute) vs. girl you want to sleep with (hot). a cute girl is sweet and looks good in jeans. a hot girl is a b*itch and looks good in a mini skirt. guys want to look at hot girls but go out with cute girls. thats just the general idea i get on cute vs. hot.

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ok this is purely a very minimal "educated guess"


but are these "Cute" girls the same as calling a guy the nice guy??

just wondering if at all that's what girl's consider it because I kinda don't think so, but some people i tlak to say it is...


and personally, if a guy says you're cute, that is one of the nicest compliments he can give

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If a guy you don't really know called you cute, it's a compliment.


If you were told this buy a friend, or a guy you've known for a fairly long time, then i'd say he's trying to be nice.


What I mean is i've seen lots of girls around who I find cute (and would see them as a relationship prospect), but I've also called my girl friends cute (when I don't see them in a sexual way) when they've asked.


So it depends on who called you cute.

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I think all words can have the same meanings, it just depends on each person of how much emphasis each word really gives off.


For me, I consider "cute" girls to be my ideal type of girls, the ones I'd rather date. I prefer saying cute, beautiful, gorgoeus, pretty, rather than "hot" because hot seems to be connotated with something sexual.

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Well I was called cute by someone who later told me that cute means a guy finds you attractive but not his type.


Another guy, who I had casually made out with, told me I was hot, but his girlfriend was cute, and I'm assuming he preferred his girlfriend.


I'm often called cute in reference to my personality because I say dumb/stupid/funny random things.


I think it depends on the guy and the way he says it.

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Guys don't all have the same definition of cute. Cute can mean any number of things, from looks to personality. It is a favorable compliment, meaning that something about you they like. It could be something that makes them want to date you, it might not be. That all depends on the guy.


And cute girls can also be "hot" and "sexy" girls. If you really like the girl she can be all of the above.

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There's definitely a difference between Cute and Hot, yeah. A girl I'd class as hot is someone who is full on sexually attractive, and generally a confident outgoing person! Lol. In my view, a cute is someone who is quieter who's appearance doens't shout 'Sex' but I still find very attractive! I prefer cute girls to hot girls ;-P

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There's definitely a difference between Cute and Hot, yeah. A girl I'd class as hot is someone who is full on sexually attractive, and generally a confident outgoing person! Lol. In my view, a cute is someone who is quieter who's appearance doens't shout 'Sex' but I still find very attractive! I prefer cute girls to hot girls ;-P


yea agreed!


Anyway didn't seem too good, I mean, he could have meant that "aww it's so cute of you....". I would have been personally much more plain with my response if I was interested

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