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Please Help :-(

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My parents do not even know my boyfriend and hate his guts. The fact that they do not want me seeing him only makes me want to see him more My parents are pretty overprotective of me in general and hate the idea of me going out weekend nights, which is something I need to destress from school and work. Its come to the point where they will take away my car and drive me everywhere and they refuse to pay for my school anymore. All I want is to be in a relationship, because its something that makes me feel happy, and because of their racism, it is ruining my life. Not only do I have to suffer not seeing him, but I also cant get out of the house. I feel like I'm in prison just so that they can be happy.....I have even started having suicidal thoughts because I'm not happy living like this.](*,) I know my parents love me, but I dont understand why they would want to ruin my life like this. They have even said that they want to go to a lawyer to keep him away....that really frustrates me because I know that any normal person would think they are crazy for trying to run my life. I need some good advice, everyone I tell about this just feels bad for me, and doesnt know what to tell me to do....I need some guidance because I dont know where to start with this




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My best advice to you would be to move out. I moved out when i was 17, and i have a very good relationshpi with my parents, but i was free and free to make my own decisions. It was nice cuz they didn't have to know about every little thing that i was doing. I know sometimes it can be intimidating because you need to have money and it definitely is a struggle, but I had nothing when i moved out, and last year i didn't even know how i was gonna pay the bills, and i made it work. I know you can too. Good luck.

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Sounds scarily like my parents. The way I've got round most of it is- I've moved 300 miles away for uni so they can't just "pop up for a visit", the government pay the majority of my uni fees, and they now know practically nothing of my friends or anything up here now. My parents would freak if they knew half the stuff that happened in my life!



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