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Well ... Ive finally gotten to the point where I can see my ex without wanting to burst into tears...Its been just over 6 odd months and I am happy again. I saw him briefly on a bus and I was able to say "hey stranger" without a catch in my voice or a sad thought in my head.


I wasnt able to talk to him and Im not going to contact him..we have finally been able to keep complete no contact for the past couple of months...so I hope he is alright (in life etc)


Anyway...I just needed to get that off my chest...haahaa..

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Oh, i'm so jalouse at you. Wish I was there now. it's been 2 months and i'm still thinking about him almost all the time. There are periods when i think i'm over him since i date other guys, but then i realize i'm just trying to fool myself. I'm unfortunately not over him yet. how shall i do to make it easier? i do N/C but it's still hard.

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REMEMBER THIS THOUGH....TIME doesnt heal anything...everyone on these boards say that "time heals all wounds"...well its actually what you did, and HOW you recovered that did it, had nothing to do with just time...it was you who healed you. Remember those things you struggled with all that time, and what you ended up doing through those times to make it better, THATS what heals us....

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