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Hello to all, I am in need of some information regarding if my wife has been having sex while i go out of town on business,

Is there anyways i can look at vagina and to see if she has been sexually active while i am away?

I am not sure ways of telling if it is possible, What ways do i know if she has been sexually active while i have been away, I am usually away for about 1 week at a time , Can i check her vagina or when i have intercourse is there ways of telling? Thanks and hope someone can help me ...Tinytot

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Tiny Tot, before I answer this question, tell me why you feel that just because you are out of town for a week that your wife would even consider cheating?


There has to be more to this story. Have you cheated on her while you were out of town? Could you actions have possibly backfired and caused you to question the actions of her?

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Hello. I do not believe there is any way to tell like that, unless she did it right before you got back and the semen is dripping out.


Why do you believe your wife has been cheating on you? Is there another problem in the marriage? Is she acting strange? Or is it this a matter of your own insecurities?

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As far as her Vagina just being huge and all stretched out and you just knowing someones been there...NOT SO MUCH. Women are made to adjust to you but unless she has had dealings with Shaquille O'Neal...you wont be able to tell by feeling her physically. You'd have a better chance at feeling this emotionally than physically. For example...


1. If she can't look you in the eyes during intimacy.

2. If she just wants you to get it over with (sometimes this means nothing, but sometimes it is a tale tale sign that she is not connected to you)

3. If she seems really nervous with you and doesnt want you to touch her where you used too.

4. She seems very distant and its like she really doesnt want to be bothered by you.


But again, these could all mean something is wrong with the marraige and not that some other stud has hit her jackpot.

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The only test that I know of is , if you help her clean up after sex, saving the tissues, or whatever, and having them professionally tested for more than one type of DNA.

Fairly pricey! And normally only effective if she has had sex with somebody else hours before you. Not days.


Forget about the eye contact or the thousand and one "sure " signs.


They are common enough among people who don't like, or are embarresed about sex but the reasons can be a million other reasons as well as cheating.

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A better question would be why you are suspicious your wife is having an affair? There must be some reason you don't trust her when you are out of town to have you looking for "physical proof".


There is no way to tell by her vagina at this point if she had sex while you were away or not. Women stretch to accommodate, and since she is already sexually active with you, you can't tell.


You can have an analysis done of the sheets, underwear (if they have not been washed since you left, but were clean when you did leave, that helps even more) and so forth, but it gets pricey to do so.


Pay attention to her other "signs". If her sexual relationship is changing with you, if she seems to have some suspicious behaviour - like late night phone calls, secrecy about her time spent, if she seems disconnected. Not necessarily indicative of cheating but it may indicate some issues of great concern. Just "different" then her usual self.

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Go hide a motion activated camera in your bedroom


is the software.


for wireless cameras, such as these:




If your wife is cheating like mine was, there's nothing like a video to show her. Plus, when you divorce her, it ensures she gets nothing from the proceedings. Adultry is illegal in many states.


Do NOT tolerate a cheat or liar.


Best of luck.

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Oh yea just asking her out, she obviously denied it, so wut good does that does PatMat. Imagine that, he asking "Are u sleeping, have u been sleeping with another man"? She obviously say "No, I haven't idiot, wut makes u think that way." Pat in order for him to find out for sure, he would have to installed a hidden camara, that way it would be solid proof and u can't denied anymore once u were caught red handed.

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I hate to say it this way, but if you are with someone that you feel you have to go purchase spy ware and all this and that, then maybe you need to let them go and find someone you don't have to invest that much money or time into finding out if they are sleeping around. Just my thoughts on this. Also I'd have to agree with Ailec, its 2005 almost 2006, not many if any people will just flat out tell you "yes , oh yes, i did it, i am a cheater." Not only would they deny it, but they will also turn it around on you. Unless you have proof that is 100%...don't even waste time asking them. Another thing is, if that person is cheating and you come out and ask them, it will make them cover up their tracks more because they will be privy to the fact that you are on to them. But long gone are the days when people actually have a slight wiff of conscience and come clean with the victims in their fiasco's. LONG GONE!



I have found that the people who did usually catch their spouses or S/O cheating were the ones who played it cool as if they knew nothing, then the spouse or S/O slips up, not thinking to cover their tracks. So think about that.

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No, she wouldn't outright admit an affair.

Maybe I'm a bit dim, but after being married a while, looking them in the eye and asking them a direct question should be pretty effective. After all, she wouldn't be lying about something insignificant. Heart rate would go through the roof, she'd break eye contact and get emotional, that sort of thing. We're talking about a married couple here that knows the nuances of each other's expressions and verbal skills.

Besides, it's cheaper than going into Jr. Spy mode.

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