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prayer request

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Over the past couple of years I have fallen into a trap. I have worked myself out of it, but usually fall right back into the same routine. It really started hitting rock bottom 2 weeks ago. I bought this new truck. Me and my girlfriend went to a friends house to seek out drugs. As we went there we had no money cause we were broke. We loaned the vehicle out. We got frustrated cause we just realized we were going to be stranded 100 miles away from home for 3 days and it was thanksgiving. We had destinations we HAD to be at. So we went to the police station. We told police we were at the hospital and we were carjacked by gun point in hopes they would go look for my truck so we could go home. Hoping everything would be fine. Of course though, everything didnt turn out fine. After the police yelled, screamed, intimidated for about 4 hours we finally comfessed and said they kept asking for the vehicle and we reapeatidly said no.


We were arrested for "filing a false police report" Now we go to court Dec 5th scared to death we will face jail time. It is our first offense. We have prior experience with loaning vehicles out. So we can only cry wolf for so long and keep relationships with our family and friends. We was planning on getting married Dec 31st. Everything seems to be falling apart more and more. Can someone enlighten me with what might happen during court. Even though I have a written report with appoligizing to the police about the false report. Can I still plead not guilty hoping it will be taken off my report?

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Best thing to do is tell the truth. If you can go for a reduced sentence. And remember you are being taken to court for a reason, and the law is supposed to be un bias to anyone. So wasting police time is a serious offence and people could have been killed for you trying to get your car back. I hope it all plans out well for you though, and hope u get off the drugs and hope you get marriend.


But also to be honest I dont have much sympathy for you, if you loan/give your truck to somebody so you can take drugs. Then after that betray these other people who are supposedly your friends and go to the poilce, file a false report and expect them to sort out an illeagle activity you have performed.


Kind of reminds me of this bloke who sold his microwave for cocaine. Then later found out it was mixed with flower and went to the police saying he got a bad deal. Well as you can imagine he got arrested, and for good reason.

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I suggest you talk to your attorney about the right approach to take.


In short, truth is best. You can see what trouble you got in by lying. You can plead not guilty, which means you are saying you didn't do it. But from the story you just told, that is a lie. And if at trial they can prove you are guilty, then you'll probably get a harsher punishment.


On the other hand, you can try a plea agreement with the prosecutor which means you agree to plead guilty in exchange for a known (and lessor) punishment. Perhaps the prosecutor will offer you probation or agree to drop the charges if you attend counseling or community service or something.


But best bet is to work with your attorney. And get into a treatment program to get off the drugs. As you can see, they are ruining your lives.

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In my experience (and not my own personal experience) if you plead not guilty it can buy you time to offer a plea. Normally at your first court appearance the judge is going read the charges, ask if you understand hte charges and tell you you have the right to an attorney and this will give you time if you haven't done so already. Definitely speak to an attorney. If you can't afford an attorney than you should have the option to a public attorney. Obviously what you have done is wrong and you know this. Hopefully you are never, never going to do this again. But you do have the right to legal representation or at the least you need to speak to an attorney before you plea anything.

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Hey man,Thats messed up.Id be very surprised if you get jail time.Your going to get something worse Its called probation.And if you got a drug problem while on probation your in for a world of hurt.Your P.O is gonna make your life a living hell.My advice to you is get a lawyer.Since your a druggie its a safe assumption your broke so call the public defenders office asap.Get your self into AODA right away.The court is going to order it anyhow so if you do it first that'll look good.Obviously you gotta kick the drugs man.Your too old for that.

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