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only if i had freinds who can set me up


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i'm not sure about u guys but i think i going to make more guy friends-the type that gets gilrs or has a gf-no mor eloner, quiet, vid games, introver guys as friends-those are the type i usuallt hang with and its been a disaster when it comes to dating for me . 24 no gf ever yea lol truth. so saddd


i think most of the time couples meet through friends-they set em uo and all. i really don't think meetin through the internet onlne would ever work, school is hard too-i mean when is there a chacne for both of u to chat-and she might be taken too right. but with friends its easy they now u both are single and looking.


i just have to make friends with guys that are able to help and also have friends that are girls. i wonder. i think as i get older and older its going be soo much harder-all the good ones will be taken and i'll be just a single old man living by myself-i would hate that.


most girls from what i hear start dating like at 18 or even younger- i wasted too much time. before i had messy long hair , thick glasses, low selfesteem and confidence-i changed-gym, wearing nicer too

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i dont think its the "friends" that might be causing a problem for you...For example, my boyfriend's friends are all...well...they are not the "player, crazy, bar" type of guys but that doesn't affect the person my boyfriend is....or acts. Self esteem is the main key to getting girls. I wouldn't jeapordize your friends for a "popular" crowd that might be bad friends in the long run...


SkyFire is right...these sound like excuses...

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You hang with players, you start acting like them: Playing and disrespecting your potential mate. Be yourself and go with the flow. If you were meant to be with someone, then it would happen. If people don't like who you are, then changing yourself would ultimately going to take you down the bumpy road. You'll crack someday...

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If you think it'll help, try it. But my experience has been that it's not guy friends who'll introduce you to someone, but girls. Think about it. Girls tend to hang with other girls right? Girls tend to know who's dating who. And girls like to hook people up and see them live happily ever after. Yes it's a compulsive illness...


If a guy's a player, do you honestly think he'd share his "bounty"? (And I'm not talking paper towels by the way... lol)


Final Analysis: Just make as many friends as possible and see where it leads you. Don't worry about being old and alone. I've met those guys and usually they're the ones that have made a concerted effort to push people away all their lives. You don't sound like that kind of guy.

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The only think good about hanging out with the player type is that you might be able to learn what is making them so successful. I am not talking about how they "play" girls, but the way they approach, the way they get the girls interested.


You could also learn that stuff here. Go to the link in my signiture, there will be some info there that will help you.

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