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A True Soulmate Will Always Love You


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I know this may be a little long, but for those of you out there wanting to know the answer to the same ? I had several months ago, which is "does a True Soulmate ever forget?" I can now tell you they don't.



After years of never believing in Soulmates I met this incredible man. However, we couldn't have met over worse of circumstances. He was married and so was I. He had a child who had a learning disability and I had a child who the doctors felt may have been ill with a Lupus or Kidney problems. We both needed support and found that we had a great ability to talk and express ourselves completely, and then we fell in love. We knew that we had something special, yet we didn't want to have an affair, so instead I made a decision to leave my marriage, not knowing if he would make the same decision. He then decided that he needed to make one final attempt to make his marriage work, because his kids were his life. I was crushed and scared, but I knew he needed to be at peace with any decision he was making, so I let him go. However, he soon realized that as much as he loved his kids, he needed me in his life also. I thought this was a new beginning for both of us, however soon he realized that his divorce was going to be long and nasty. He was over worked with 3 jobs, scared that his sons disability was worse than what was orignally thought, had no money because he was giving his entire pay to his spouse, and finally his fear and self asteam began to take its toll on him and he was afraid that with everything that was happening he didn't want me to have to handle anymore than I was already, since I also was in the middle of a divorce. So, he came home one day and told me he loved me, but he needed 6 months or even much longer to gain control over his life and that he couldn't do it with me in his life, so I told him that I loved him and that I wouldn't call, write or have any communication, but that someday I hoped he would be back. However, because we weren't talking and of course people had to spread rumors and put in their own perspective, he felt I didn't love him anymore and I felt the same. So, I began a new relationship and so did he, yet we both without knowing it were wanting each other back in our life. After my relationship broke off and my teenage daughter decided to call my soulmate, just to talk. Well, that phone call lead to more calls and finally seeing each other for the first time in 6 months. Yet, he thought I only wanted friendship. I put my feelings on the table and found out that he never forgot about me, or lost the love he had for me. He has been back in my life for almost a month and I couldn't be happier. I realize that I have loved others, but the connection I have with this man is far more than love and that is the sign of a True Soulmate. So, when you meet someone so special that you would do anything including setting them free, you know you have found True Love, because you finally met someone who meant more to you then your own feelings and desires. Have faith a True Soulmate, never forgets.


If I can give you any advice, it would be listen to your heart, think with your head and don't take others advice, because they don't know what is best for your relationship, and they will give you advice based on their own experiences, which are not the same as yours. My Soulmate and I discovered after talking that the worst thing we did was listen to others instead of our own heart.

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If I can give you any advice, it would be listen to your heart, think with your head and don't take others advice, because they don't know what is best for your relationship, and they will give you advice based on their own experiences, which are not the same as yours. My Soulmate and I discovered after talking that the worst thing we did was listen to others instead of our own heart.


Amen. I couldn't agree more. Others may have wise things to say and its good to hear them out, but in the end you have to follow your own heart and do what you know is right for you. No one knows you better then you and what will make you happy.


If you don't think you should give up on something, don't do it.


I'm happy that everything worked out for you and that you found your true soulmate. A true soulmate doesn't forget, and if it is meant to be it will happen, no matter what obstacles try to get in the way.

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Bams I'm very inspired by your situation. I'm glad to hear that things are working out for you! I really believe that finding a connection with someone is very difficult and when you do you don't even have to try to make a relationship work - it's effortless. I had that with my ex and like you we both had other difficulties in life that I believe we had to attend to. I would like to believe down the road that if he's my soul mate he'll come back and realize what he gave up. Best of luck to you and hope you keep posting so we can read your progress!

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Bams, Lonelyfish I to am going through the same thing...


My ex and I had such a connection we did not even have to talk to know what the other was thinking...I had issues and she left and she is my true soulmate..


We talked about this and how we felt about each other she left and is now with someone else and I have been taking care of me like I should have before..


I have let her go and hope one day will realize what is/was there between us...I have dated alot of people but never had this type of connection...


My love for her is so strong that I will let her go and if she is happy then I will be happy for her...

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Juha, I feel for you. How long has your ex been dating the new guy? As my ex is going through a divorce (he married his first love), he has no idea how hard it is to date these days. I'm an attractive, single professional with a lot of things going for me. I don't have a hard time dating but its finding that connection with someone that is the most difficult. I had a great connection with my ex and we had so much fun together. His relatives even told him how better off he was since he had met me and they were so surprised to hear that he broke up with me. More power to my ex if he thinks he can easilly find that connection with someone again especially considering that he has a lot issues that he had to deal with his ex-wife, kids and finding a new job. A woman would have to be very understanding to want to date him. I'm trying to move on but it's so hard. I believe in what Bams had to say that your ex will find their way back to you if its truly meant to be.

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That was beautiful. The girl has no idea what she is missing, the depths of your love and devotion. It's the connection that is hard to find, and I believe that when you find it that it isn't something that you can just let go off. I'm in a similar spot, and my heart says to still believe in what we had. I still believe we should be together. But my love for her is so deep that what I want above all else is her happiness. And I'll do anything to see her happy, even if I have to hurt being without her.


I wish you the best with this girl. She is lucky that someone like you loves her, I just hope she realizes it.

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Dregnought, thank you, she really is my true love and I told her so but she brushed it off with "you will get over me and that she was not worth it"...

I don't know if she really meant those words deep down or not...



Lonelyfish, thank you also... We have been broken up about 6 months and she has been with him since about 2-3 weeks after the break up...Her family also told her she was making a mistake and would lose me...My ex and her family all said they had never seen her more happy than when we were together...The worst part is she could never talk to me about anything that happened she just left and never said anything and still has not...I really do not think I will ever have a connection close to what we had/have...



Shysoul, thank you...unfortunately I do not believe she realizes what she has/had in me...You are right I really don't want to let go but I am as there is nothing I can do...We really do not have any contact except she will send me a nothing text every so often but I do not contact at all, I feel there is no reason to...Her attitude towards me has been horrible since she left and it has been all about her and she has never asked about me at all...I can't tell you how much I hurt inside but I carry on not showing the hurt on the outside...I truly hope she is happy and gets what she wants in life...


If I never talk to or see her again at least I know what true love is...

Some people never feel or experience it in their lifetime, I feell lucky that I have even with the hurt that goes along with it...

I will be with someone else but I will never be able to give them my heart completely as it will never be whole again, part of it will be with her wherever she is...She is immature and has issues and needs to grow some...Maybe one day she will surprise me...


Thanks for the support I really appreciate it as my family and friends I really do not undrstand where I am coming...Like I said not everybody has experienced true love or even care about true love, so how would they be able to relate...It is easy to say forget about her and move on but when you know inside you will never have this type of connection with someone else it is not that easy...

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Juha - i feel for you. I have no idea what its like to lose my true love, thankfully, but i do know what true love is, thanks to my current gf (hehe)! We know each other bone deep, we can always say the right things that makes the outer person feel better/happier.


What she needs is time. Let her go out with other people, let her have time alone. I know its incredibly hard - but sooner or later she will figure out that you two were ment ot be together!

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To Everyone


I can tell you that when my Soulmate left I felt devistated, beyond anything I had ever experienced. However, I can tell you that sometimes its just too hard to talk because you can't accomplish what you know you need to, because you want so badly to spend time with your mate. My Soulmate left, but when he left he did give me signs that it was a hard decision, because he studied my face so completely as if he was trying to place a permanent image of me in his mind, he then hugged me very tight, kissed me and then said he loved me, but needed to leave. He called me a few days later and agreed to talk with me, but refused to see me, because he was scared that he would change his mind, and he knew that he had made the best decision for himself and in the long run for both of us. However, after that point the communication between us was very limited and without emotion. The lack of communication was the one thing that almost destroyed our chances for the future, because I felt he no longer loved me and so I felt I had no choice to move on.


A Soulmate is not only someone you feel completely happy with. It's a connection that mirrors each others feelings. So, if you feel you have found a Soulmate, yet they don't seem to mirror those same response or feelings, then your true soulmate is still out there waiting to be found. I know a lot of people feel they have found their Soulmate, but at least to me a Soulmate, is more of Soulmates. Two people who mirror each others feeling so perfectly. It is a relationship that is effortless. It's someone that you can live with, but its a partnership that together each of you can't imagine living without.


As for myself, my BF and I are enjoying each and every moment and now that most, but not all of the obsticales have been overcome, I hope that this is a new beginning without an ending. In fact that is what we say to each other "To new beginnings without endings".


I hope to all that reads what I have wrote that it gives you hope, because true happiness is out there. Believe me I never felt I would find this kind of happiness and fulfillment with anyone, I just never thought it existed.



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Your words are almost bringing me to tears, they are so beautiful. In a time where I have questioned the idea of soulmates, and on an especially rough day, your words have given me inspiration and encouragement. Your description of soulmates match mines to the letter and I haven't read such a beautiful description or story before. You and your guy are an inspiration and a sign that dreams do come true if we follow our hearts and believe.

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I have always believed in soulmates - and the kind of love two soulmates (or twin flames) can share is beyond any kind of love and connection you can share with anyone else.

When I was about 14 I had these 'realisations' enter into my soul - just knowledge of all things about soulmates, twin flames etc. - when I first started reading about soulmates later on when I was about 18, everything I had known was true!


I believe that you can love a soulmate no matter what their life or situation is - it is a love that goes beyond the shallow depths of material copulation and fulfilment.

It is a love that goes beyond lifetimes - because many times you have connected in the past with one another, sometimes sad, sometimes ecstatic - but nonetheless everytime is turbulent and soul-stirring in everyway.

Forget about Romantic Novels, disremember Shakespeare, the story of you and your twin flame or soulmate goes beyond any fiction anyone can imagine.


When souls were created long ago, they were created with a counterpart in a divine Yin-Yang drop of essense - always a part of each other would reside in one another's souls (the black in the white and the white in the black), so when the souls were on Earth they would have the innate spiritual knowledge and yearning for finding that small part of them that was manifest in physical reality.

Romantic novels and books tell of fireworks and explosions of intimacy and ecstasy beyond heaven's imaginings, but I believe that real true love makes one all at ease with someone, you feel you have never had a life before them, that the moments you share seem to last forever, that perhaps when you have to part for a short while in the physical that you have both been with them for all time, and yet only seconds - a divine dichotomy.


I speak these words coming back from a meeting with my twin flame in physical reality. I have much energy blocked from previous disappointments and disenchantments in love, and so my creativity and passion hasn't been able to flow as much as I had liked.

But I would do anything for this person, I would lay down my life for her.

Real, true love in this world is never easy, and only the most bravest, rarest of souls ever manage to preserve the connection of soul - and believe me, believe me, this connection is tested to the ends of the earth and beyond to make sure that the two are worthy and ready to share the most precious gift of all - the complete and utter union of two souls in mind, body, soul and heart.

Every thought, feeling, belief, dream, like, interest so exactly parallel, so exactly the same. Day-by-day finding out more and more and more, you can't believe you are so similar, yet you find out another miracle every single day.

You feel like what they write to you is your own words - you feel when they are down, and you feel their excitement, your connection goes beyond time and words, and though the world and society will try to disappoint and disapprove you, in your heart you can never break away - for this person is the only person in the whole world who really feels the same as you, really only understands you, and you them. Many people pass by their connection, because it seems to far, or too hard to maintain, but your life will never be fulfilled - because all in this life is love, and to live you must have love, but to love you must have a life.

And without your true one, you will only exist, a poor shadow in life's bright lights of lies, hankering pining yearning all your life after this one soul who throughout eternity will only ever be the one who can make you truly happy simply by making them happy...

The most romantic and beautiful souls are those that are the most gentle and tender deep down...

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I can relate so much! My ex and I were bestfriends after breaking up. I was stupid and thought we could be friends, but a week ago went NC. She would always tell me that I deserve someone great. She is now dating some guy after a few weeks. I have decided not to talk to her, but I do wish her the best. She is a great person and I want the best for her. It sucks that I am not the one, but that is life. We just need to let go and move on.



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volution - Beautiful as always. If I ever have doubts about the magic of soulmates, all I have to do is read your words. Here's to us finding our soulmates.


ocrob - What if you can't move on? What if NC just ends up hurting you more? What do you recommend then?

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That is a great question. Who knows? I may love this person for the rest of my life, but I can't make her be in love with me. Before this ex, I was with someone for five years and we got divorced. She broke my heart, but we ended things very amicably. I moved to another city about 1 hour away and we stopped talking. I still think of her from time to time and miss her, but don't miss the relationship. I am definitely over her, but still have a certain love. Maybe that will happen with this ex. It has only been 1 week NC and she started a relationship so who knows what will happen. I am guessing we could be friends in the future, but I need to get over her emotionally. If I can't, then I guess I will have to deal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

bams am pleased that your happy, what i would like to say is that it is always better to follow your heart never follow what others say or religion.

i will give my experince i had a bad experince with my ex we had 7yrs with each other and we have 2 kids together he walk out.


anyway thats not important but after 2yrs of feeling empty and dead end relationship with wrong people.

i meet a guy who we have being friends we start dating we have being together we love each other we go places we share so many things with each other he show me the kind of love that i thought only exist in the movies.



anyway their is complication he is married and he trying to sort out him self i feel we will be together but i need to back off while he sort out his divorce.


any way we all have a soulmate the only problem is we might meet on a good patch or we might meet and we are in a complicated stuiation.

but follow your heart nothing is gain without trying.

and every failure brings success.

as long as you have a clean heart and concs god can forgive

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ocrob - You probably already know this, but her getting into something after a week probably meant nothing and was just a way of getting solace and trying to avoid what happened. Hope you are doing well now.


kanifia1 - Good message, follow your heart. I hope things work out for you as well.

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the kind of thing happeneded to me and my boyfriend. i dumped him almost 2 years ago and he came back then he dumped and came back two days later. he needed a break in septemeber and i give him the break he needed even if it wasnt what i wanted but i knew he needed the break. So i put my feelings aside so he could be happy and then 2 days later he was back and our relationship has gotting much better!!! So it ture if you let them go if they turly love you they'll come back.

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