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hurting so much, just want to talk to her

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Hey guys,


Well I made it through the weekend, without contacting my ex. I wanted to so many times, just to hear her voice.


She sent me a card for thanksgiving, but I didn't reply. Still doing the NC thing.


It's just so hard, I miss her so much. I know, there were those bad times and I have to keep reminding myself of them.


I just feel so alone and miserable without her in my life. After three weeks I had hoped things would be better. Doesn't seem that way and when I read people still having problems after six months I just get even more worried.


life is just so hard, when does it ever get better?

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How long were you guys together for?


Lots of people do still miss there exes after 6 months sometimes even after years but it is not like the raw emotion that you are going through in the first couple of months.


Hang in there. It does get easier but there are no magic potions.

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10 months.


We did everything together and it's so hard to enjoy anything without her. I had a connection with her that I've never had with anyone else before. (been married even)


I keep trying to convince myself that it's totally over and that I will move on. But then I keep thinking to myself maybe she will change and get some help... just maybe if...

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Yeah well vascillating between the two outcomes is pretty normal. You can't rush yourself through the process of geting over her. In many ways you just have to suck it up and let time heal you.


You can, of course, do all those other things like staying busy, meeting new people, embark on some self-improvement. They all help but the feelings will still be there and only just under the surface.

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I don't want to meet someone new right now. I know that as much as I'm hurting it wouldn't be fair to someone else.


Plus, I'm not sure who I am anymore. I want to be secure in that before I start looking for someone new. So I've kept myself away from the dating scene. That just makes it harder in a way too.


Yesterday, last night most of all, was very hard for me. I missed her so much and couldn't get her off my mind. Woke up thinking about her again. But seeing as how she hasn't tried to fix her end of things, nor really contact me she doesn't care. Or she moved on. I need to do the same once I can find the strength.

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Hi eimono!


I am sorry you are feeling down. (((hugs))) Some days are going to be harder than others and it seems like yesterday was one of 'dem days. It's going to be a rollercoaster of emotions. But your right, she has not done anything on her end to make things better or to contact you, so it would make sense to contact her. You will feel better in due time. Give yourself a break. Hang in there.

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No contact...no contact...no contact. If you must, chop off your hands.


Seriously, the feelings will fade. "Out of sight...out of mind." I've said it before & I say it cause it works. Regardless if you are the dumper or the dumpee.



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