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For those of us who are wondering whether or not their ex will ever come back, this is for you. There are never any rules when it comes to matters of the heart, humans are far more complicated then we might seem at times. You can never know for sure what the future will bring you, and because of this, we must learn to move on and take care of ourselves first. Is there a good chance of the ex returning someday? I think the answer is YES, and i do believe they always come back in some capacity. I have 2 examples here to illustrate my point. A good friend of mine was dumped by his girlfriend of 7 years, one week later she was dating someone else. My buddy was devastated, and he thought there was no chance of ever getting back. He tortured himself thinking of the possibility of them coming back to each other, and then one day he gave up on his dream. He started dating other girls, and finally he met someone who could take his mind off the ex. Shortly after he began seeing this new girl, his ex was calling him, crying for him back. She broke up with the new guy, and within a week they were back together and now they are engaged and living together happily. The second story is about an ex of mine who broke up with me after 1 and a half years together. I was badly hurt, and i did all the wrong things to get her back, until i pushed her away for good. Months went by and she got engaged, but when i found out, i didn't care anymore cuz i was over her totally. They got married, and shorty after, she decided she made a mistake and wanted me back. To this day she wants me back, but i don't even think of her ever. I would never even talk to this girl anymore. Once i finally decided to move on, i healed, and then she came back, same thing with my buddy. I know many stories where the ex comes back, some end good and others end badly. One thing i have noticed is that women usually are the ones who come back more then guys, i think because they are far more emotional and don't think with their heads as much as men do. Women can have a single emotional moment and totally change things in their life drastically, i have seen it many times. Bottom line is: there is always hope, but don't count on hope to get you by, you must move on and that is when you will find the exes coming around, but only when you have healed yourself, goodluck!!!

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Great post, especially the two scenarios


I think it really depends on the circumstances, which I know everyone will say, well duh. But for some people, myself included some days you just need to feel that hope that one day they might, just might come back, maybe if you both change enough, and that is enought to get through that day, then the next you realize that you are both better off apart. The main thing this post, if not this whole site teaches each of us is that we have to be strong, if someone doesn't want to be with you, there is nothing you can do to change that, you have to look out for yourself, and it might seem selfish, but in the end it isn't because you just end up hurting the person who you want back so much too.


Thank you for posting both scenario's they are a positive encouragement that tells us that no matter what things will work out ok in the end.


Hey Teacup, I like you signature quote, it would have been a good one for my ex.

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Very true, anyone who says life is black and white is dead wrong, there are many shades of grey. There is never any way to know for sure if an ex will return, but based on my own experience and that of friends and family, it's almost a sure thing to happen. The only question is when they return, and what they want when they return. Sometimes its just friendship, sometimes its just curiosity, but i think if a good deal of time goes by and the ex is calling, its a pretty good sign they are trying to rekindle something. But like i've said many times before, don't get your hopes up, or read too deep into someone's words. There is always a chance, yes, but there is also a chance that there won't be a chance, so stay strong and move on, time will tell what will happen, be patient and enjoy life.

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If your ex doesnt come back then you are better off without them. That shows they dont give a crap about you and you shouldnt either. I believe that if you had a good relationship then they will always come back in some fashion. Either to be friends or to want you back. Regretfulman, you are awesome and I love reading your posts.

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