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In (2003), a court again declared Canada's unconstitutional "in not allowing seriously ill Canadians to use marijuana because there is no legal source of supply of the drug." In effect, this means that Canadians cannot be prosecuted for using marijuana medically because the Marijuana Medical Access Regulations gives patients the right to do so, but does not set up any legal apparatus for obtaining cannabis.

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As far as I can understand - The law is rather confused.

Canada effectively has no prosecutable laws prohibiting the "simple " of any amount of cannabis.


But no. I do not think it is 'legal'.

Though, medical use is.

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My memory must be failing me then. I remember reading a story about a former Canadian Prime Minister smoking a joint in public recently. Within the last year?


There are some "grey areas" around it.


It is legal for medical use and so forth with proper applications. It is not yet legal for other use, but it is also generally not something they bother charging you with if you have possession of minor amounts for personal use. It is when you have a large amount, with intent to distribute, or where you are growing it, it generally becomes worth their time to follow up on and charge. We have a Canadian version of "Cops" up here, called "To Serve and Protect" and they are usually in BC, funny to watch how often they don't even bother with people having a small amount of pot on them, not when there are bigger issues. In comparison on Cops they will take someone down and have guns blaring if a guy has a joint...


It is something that there is a push to "decriminalize" though (not same as legalize), though it's hard to say what will happen with that with recent call for an election looming ahead..


Here are some resources talking about the legalities and non-legalities around it.







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Charlotte, I keep asking what you want to get out of this whole situation and you are not responding. Finding drugs of any kind on a loved one or friend is never a situation anyone wants to be in. It's bad. Period. But me or anyone else can only give you so much advice on the situation unless we know what you want to get out of it. Situations - and consequently needs - vary from person to person, so the more details you give us on the way things are, the way you feel about them, and how you want things to change - the better everyone on this site can help you.

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True..true...but she seems to be extremely stressed about this...and that is never good.


True, but not sure that being placed in foster care is the best thing to remove that stress either. It is possible to be placed with other family, but not always the case.


She does really need to decide whether her parents drug use is affecting her to a degree where she wants to be out of that home so she can make the appropriate decisions.


I would actually advise she talk to a school counsellor or something about this before she calls CFS.

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I would tend to agree with RayKay, although I am going to save my own judgments for now as to what would be the best route to take.


Change can also be an extremely stessful thing to undergo, especially at her age.

Hence, moving her around is not going to immediately take away the stress.

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I do not think it is your business,if it was your house and she lived with you then it would be.Maybe there is some hidden agenda here,that makes you want to get back at her for something she has done in the past,and by the way what we're you doing snooping in her room invading her privacy.How would you feel if you paid all the bills and had your own house and your mom came over and snooped through all your stuff?


I get what you are saying but...


That does not matter because she depends on her mother to be the adult. She is acting immature to me to be causing the stress on her daughter. I am completely against drugs and you can see the pain it can cause people right here...but that is my opinion and if you see it differently then that is fine. I was just stating my opinion and no need to reply to that part of this message since I do realize other people have a different opinion concerning drugs than me for other reasons.


The mother is not really setting a good example for her daughter. I am not saying the drugs are the problem...but the fact that it is illegal where she is living. And she is almost indirectly showing her children it is okay to go against the law. Drugs are not something to be taken lightly either and I do realize there are a bunch of silly laws out there.

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She is not Showing her daughter irresponsible behavor.Her daughter invaded her privacy at her house.Maybe that is why there are soo many problems with this person.she has no respect for her mother.
Like I said it is irresponsible because it is illegal. Your response I'm sure would be different if her mother was killing people or stealing. Just like those things are illegal...drugs where she lives is also illegal. Her mother is not respecting the law.


She was not snooping and I think it is horrible you are accusing her of this. According to her first post...it seemed more like an accident. Her first discovery was an accident and she has been snooping lately because she is worried about her mother and her current situation.

Ok...I was in my mom's room putting something away and I discovered Marijuana. I am 99.9% positive it is Marijuana. What else could it be? Is there some kind of other stuff that smells like and looks like weed? I have smelt it before in her room but thought nothing of it until recently.
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