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Are things meant to happen?

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If everything is meant to happen for a reason then no matter what the choice you make the destination is already pre-determined it's just a matter of reaching it. What do you think? Do you believe that if something is meant to be no matter how impossible it may seem it will happen and no matter what choice you make you will arrive where you were supposed to?

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People will never know what is going to happen, but people like to believe that things are predetermined it makes it seem that there is a master plan and that all things will work out the way they were supposed to. Others believe that its all a matter of chance and that life is just random and our actions determine what is our lifes direction. I believe the latter.

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That's a matter of opinion.

I believe we create our own 'destiny'. We make our own choices, etc.


I agree with your opinion that we make our own choices, I'm only saying that the choices we have available are based upon things that have already happened. Like playing a hand of poker. You do in fact create your own destiny, but you don't get to change the past, only make choices from it. So in a way, yes, everything does happen for a reason.

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If you see it like that - then yes, to an extent, things happen for a reason.

But I was directing that at the people who think there is a hidden plan, that your life will follow a course of events.

In my opinion, nothing is set in stone.


I agree with you completley.

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If everything is meant to happen for a reason then no matter what the choice you make the destination is already pre-determined it's just a matter of reaching it. What do you think? Do you believe that if something is meant to be no matter how impossible it may seem it will happen and no matter what choice you make you will arrive where you were supposed to?


Nothing is meant to happen, ever. No matter how seemingly odd, ironic, or otherwise eery it may seem, things don't happen by themselves. Things happen when people take action. When people don't take action, things don't happen.


I can understand why some people believe in "destiny," "fate," "meant to be," or "things happen for a reason." It makes them feel better about whatever event they're faced with and helps them "make sense" about whatever event it is they're faced with (although this is a false sense of comfort they're getting).


Nothing is predetermined in your life, except your genetics. As far as events though, no event in your life is predetermined. If that were the case, I would go robbing banks because it was "predetermined" or "meant to be." People often associate positive events with "meant to be" which makes sense to them because it gives them comfort. But, was a woman who was raped and left HIV positive - was that "meant to be?" Can anyone explain that? I can. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and there happened to be someone looking for control over someone else and she was a convenient target.


So, I don't think anything was ever "meant to be" or that anything in your life is "predetermined." The choices we make in our lives effect our lives directly. The actions we take in our own lives come with consequences. And consequences are a result of our actions. So, without any action there is no consequence. Likewise, without any consequence there is no action.

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Things happen when people take action. When people don't take action, things don't happen.


I disagree, not taking action is also an action, because that choice will also render a result. Nothing is predetermined, but everything offers a choice which will have consequences, even if that choice is to do nothing.

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My belief is this is Earth School, and we are here to learn.


The lessons are different for each one of us, but if you look back at the experiences you've had in your life, there is likely to be an underlying theme and some sort of similarity that ties them all together. And just about the time you think you've learned something, don't be surprised if circumstances conspire to give you an advanced lesson on the same topic, or a new spin on the same lesson.


In addition to lessons, we are also given free will. We can choose to learn and grow. We can also choose NOT to. Ever know anyone who seems to keep going through the same thing over & over again? That is someone who is choosing to exercise their free will.

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"everything hapens for a reason"that is the most bogus statment ever.Of course when somthing happens somthing elser is gonna happen.Its basic science cause and effect,For every action there is a reaction.People just try to make themselves feel better by saying that.Ask yourself this,a guy spends his whole life in prison for a crime he didnt commit.What would the reasoning behind that be.

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Nothing is written in stone. The future is full of limitless possibilities.


Everything does happen for a reason. The thing is that you don't usually know the reason at the time, so it feels like it is pointless. But everything fits together in an amazing tapestry that is life.


Every choice we make, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can potentially alter things in countless ways. It's the butterfly affect.


I think that the way to fit destiny in the picture is to say that there are certain things that we just get the feeling it is going to happen and thus it happens. Promonitions. Also, a few things are guaranteed... and not just death and taxes.

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  • 2 months later...
Not taking action is an action. I agree. But, a consequence will only occur because someone else took action. When dealing with humans, action is required for a consequence to occur.


Not necessarily. Even if non action does not directly lead to a consequence, it plays a role. If a person is drowning in a lake and we sit back and watch, then our inaction contributes to the person drowning. Our action could have saved him, but one consequence of our inaction is that the person drowns.

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