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A bit new to this whole kissing thing


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This is mainly for girls, but guys and interject too.


My best friend and I had a long, mixed, emotional conversation one day, which ended with her telling me she liked me, and my first kiss/make out session. We kissed again on Holloween as a goodbye after hanging out with friends. This went alright, but a couple days ago when we got to see each other again (we go to different schools and it's difficult to spend time together), we made out again on the empty bus (minus the driver) on the way home.


It started out all right, I started nippling her ear/ kissing her neck, etc, till I found my way to her lips and we began kissing. It was ok at first, but then she started getting into it, and more aggressive. I am much less experienced than her, and there were points where my entire mouth was inside hers, and i wasnt really kissing anything but her tongue. Also, sometimes I would stop and just try to use my tongue to play with hers, but when I did, she would just leave her mouth open and her tongue still, so I don't know if she liked it or not.


After the whole thing was over, I was left with a bunch of uncertainties about my "performance". She's kissed/made out before, so I kind of feel like I was sort of presenting myself as a n00b of sorts.


I guess what I'm askingis for girls to share what they like/techniques guys can use to make kissing more enjoyable for you (and ultimately more enjoyable for us).



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eek. i recently had a kiss where my mouth was inside his and i hated it! it really depends on the individuals and to be honest as long as you REALLY LIKE THE PERSON the kiss is usually great. but techniques: start slow. light kissing is necessary before something intense and throat probing. simple things that show you care like brushing her hair out of her face or kissing her on other areas of her face is a great way to make her feel special. as for actual kissing, make sure no slobbering. not appealing,so keep control on the saliva and swallow lol...um what else...change it periodically otherwise it gets boring and suck on her tongue...thats kewl. lol.

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yea they already posted a topic about kissing like this one... but ill try to tell you what i know anyway...

lol dont feel bad for how you did... you should be glad that at least you did it... lol i had my first kiss when i was 18 and me and my gf both never had before.... but soon enough we got really good at it... and now i think we are both pros... lol

but anyways... again dont feel guilty that you might of sucked at it... if she didnt like it... she would of pulled back.... trust me...

If you think that when you tried licking her tongue.... and she just opened her mouth and left her tongue still... its probably because shes not as experienced as you think.... or maybe she just likes to feel yours.... who knows... id say keep trying.... maybe with time she will move her tongue with yours...

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It will get better the more you do. If you don't like what she's doing pull back, and say I like it when you do this (then demonstrate) and ask her what she likes and she can show you. It's a two way thing, and both of you aren't going to be pros the 1st time! It took me an my X 4 months to get to kssing with tongues because we had both never done it and were too scared, but soon we were both loving it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

it sounds like you did fine, dont worry about how well you did. i like the nibbling of the ears and neck, thats good, and little kisses not on her lips to keep her geussing! then move in to the lips, little kisses again, then tongues but not to violent, it gets scary, kinda like thbe other one is tryinng to eat your face! lol. well sounds like she's not that experianced either! the more you kiss the more you'll like it and the better you will become.


hope i helpped





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