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Guys this is what happened and when i tell u this, im telling u everything that happens not just my side of the story..


today i call her at 11 am and we make plans to go see harry potter..we go and things are going good even tho im watching the most boring movie in my life, she was so entertained which made me happy.. i was also sick. after harry potter we go to my house to lay down and rest because i didnt feel good, it ended up in us having sex.. after that we joke and mess around wrestle or w/e and then go online to look up stuff on the internet.. we come to a disagreement on somthing sosooooo small and i end up laughing because i relized how dumb it was..well she does this laughing thing to me last night and she does it alot she will just laugh at me to piss me off saying how dumb i am and al this stuff and i just ignore her.. well when i laughed at her today she got realll upset


she said dont touch me, and im like u want to hit me dont u/ she said yes/ so i let her punch me in the arm twice .. then i hold her and try to kiss her to say sorry but she kicks me in the face like 3 time and keeps kicking me in the arms and everything she knew i would get mad over that.. neways i get reallly pissed so im like lets go im taking u home.. we had plans to go to shells that night for dinner, but i was so mad she kicked me so much that i just wanted to take her home..


so we walk to my car and then she spits on my back window ...YES MY GIRLFRIEND SPIT ON MY CAR because she is so pissed.. so i take her home and i try to talk to her befor we are at her house and she just keeps quiet.. i drop her off and 3 hours later i text her saying we should try to fix our problems instead of going off on bad terms..well we talk and it just ends up with me apologizing for laughing at her and her saying i talk to much basicaly and hanging up on me 4 times and saying she is disgusted with me and she will not tell me why..


basicaly she wont talk her problems out for nothing..the funny thing is she did the most harm by being physicaly abusive and spitting on my car.


i tried so much to apologize guys i swear, and i wanted to spend the night to talk to her but she just said no over and over again saying she doesnt want to talk to me anymore and she is disgusted with me and says i talk way to much and she trys laughing at me to piss me off and hang up on me over and over..




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Your girlfriend sounds like she is really irrational and this is not normal.

Give it some time, things might improve if she settles down. If it doesn't then I would recommend forgetting about it - it doesn't sound like a pleasant situation and you aren't enjoying. I think it would be better to cut your losses because the gain will be normality.


If being reasonable continues to fail forget about it. If things don't improve I wouldn't be bothered with it.

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Hey there,


If you are sick of it...let her go. She sounds very immature and manipluative. That is never going to change and by sticking it out is not going to change it either. I have been following your posts and it seems like things have not gotten better, maybe worse. I think it may be time for you to cut your losses, let her go and NEVER look back. You derseve someone who doesn't kick in you in ther face and spit on your car. Take care my friend.

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i highly doubt she kicked u in the face. u must have done something wrong that ur not telling us. if u trully think that she is abusive and ur sick of her just end it already. i dont think that she got mad at u for doing something to her that she does to u. i do think by u apologizing so much made u seem pathetic

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