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this is a continuation from another post in this forum.


but anyway here's a guy i'm interested in and i saw him on a break in between classes and he was sitting at a table alone. so he told me "if there were any available chairs i would get you one" but there wasnt any until i noticed that this big group had an empty chair so i asked if they were using it. i took it and sat down and he seemed really happy, smiling and such. so we started talking about common things like this professor we had that was pretty cool and easy. and he started asking me questions like where i'm from, where i live, how many siblings i have, what i did the past weekend, what am i doing for saturdays football game and it seemed like it went really well. i even mentioned that i needed to go buy a scantron for a test and he started looking to see if he had one. however, at the end when i had to go i just said "well i will see you in two weeks when we have class together again" and he goes "no, i'll probably see you around again before then" so i said ok see you later and he wished me luck on the test. so i'm thinking he's not really that interested because he didnt even ask me for a number or want to hang out...but at the same time i think he's a shy guy bc it took a while for even something like this to happen, because at the beginning of the semester he was saying hi whats up with a smile but wouldnt say anything else or he would be making eye contact in class. so i dont know...what do you think?

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Well, it sounds like you two had a productive discussion. Maybe he just didn't want to make a move too quickly. I think it's a good sign that he said "I'll probably see you before then." The next time you two see each other, have another talk and hey, there's nothing wrong with you suggesting getting together sometime. Actually, that may make it easier for some guys, especially if they're trying to figure out how interested you are in them.

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Id say he very well may be interested, and just didnt want to come off as too pushy by asking for your phone number straight after having such an in depth/personal discussion. He also said he'd see you earlier than the 2 weeks you said, so if he doesnt ask for your number then...if you're interested, ask for his. Or playfully say to him "If you want my phone number all you have to do is ask "

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It sounds like he likes you, but he may be waiting for you to make the next move. Or else he might just want to be a casual friend at school. It would be nice if you could possibly ask him out for coffee or soda after class is over. By doing this, you would be able to talk more with him and get to know him better in a different environment.

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I think he probably has some interest in you, but doesn't want to jump ahead too quickly because he may be afraid that you may think he's coming out too desperate. I think if you really want to talk to him more and get to know him, maybe ask him to hang out or get his number/instant messenger, etc. I know I'd be pleased if a girl I was interested in gave me her number/sn.

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