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I think shes mad....help

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ok so yesterday my gf and I were standing outside waiting for the bus at school. We are talking and blah blah blah and all of a sudden this random girl comes up behind me and trys toucing me! shes like do u have a tan? she was asking all these guys that and i just so happened to be next i guess..so im like *mod edit*! then my gf gave me this look and walked away my friend are luaghing about what just happened im pissed and my gf is mad..i think..so we get on the bus dont really talk and we walk home and she dont walk with me..so today i asked my friend josh if she was mad cuz he asked her i guess..he said she wasnt but you no how girls are..say they not and they are...i didnt see her today cuz i had no school..so what u guys think??

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I think instead of asking your friend if your gf is upset (and you already know she is - be it reasonable or not) you should be talking to your girlfriend about these kinds of issues.


It was not your fault that this girl came up, but your girlfriend was still "offended" by it regardless, or maybe by how you handled it.


I think you need to talk to HER directly. I think itis really silly she got mad at you for another girl coming up that you had no control over, and really minor issue, but you should still talk to her.

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I am not understanding this scenario. So this random girl comes up to you and some other dudes and ask if all have a tan while trying to touch you? Why would she be mad at you? Call her and ask her. Don't ask friends to get the answers. Just tell her you got caught off guard about this girl, sorry I said some bad words, and didn't talk much afterwards. She may not be mad at you, maybe she is mad at this girl. Just call her and talk to her. This situation seems kind of silly to get into a huff over. Good luck and take care.

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It probably just pissed your girlfriend off that another girl touched you and asked if you had a tan (who does that anyways?)it's pretty immature. If a girl did that to my boyfriend i'd tell her to f.uck off. But you should talk to your girlfriend about it. Tell her she shouldn't be upset over it because you didn't do anything

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