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Anyone felt so alone

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This may sound kind of weird.. or maybe not but there are times where it just doesnt matter to me wut i say due to my state of mind which maybe i would regret later or.. choose to regret


Has anyone just felt so alone..so alone that nobody even come to mind that you could talk to.. let alone trust with anything you say? What do you do when you feel like that? Seriously what do you do.. because i just dont know


I have made myself look foolish trying to open up, i dont look for much just 1 person.. 1 person who could be there for me just 1


Im just alone in this world. maybe this is just making me feel just some what not alone which might be a bit sad i know


Just wish there was something i could do.. wish someone could just care.. wish someone could just be there for me ..

sorry if im going on ill stop dont expect any responses but thanks alot for listening means alot

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I feel like this a lot, mainly because I'm shy and haven't got any friends. I also feel that I cannot talk to my family, I don't feel close to anyone.


How I get through it is to remind myself that I am not alone in how I feel. Lots of people feel lonely all the time. Some come on sites like this, others join clubs and activity groups.


One thing you need to realise is, people do care even if you think they don't. I was depressed for several years and believed that there wasn't anyone that cared about me, but they did and do still. It is low self-esteem that made me think what I did. There are ways to overcome it, look on Google or other search engines and you will find lots of stuff about it.



On a side note, it seems that us lonely people have our ancestors to blame

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You may have the impression that people don't understand you but that's not always true.Friends do care about you!Maybe if you would just give them a chance to show you that.Try to tell them what you really feel and they will be there for you.I'm sure of that because there are some special people out there who love you.Friends and family will offer you the emotional support you need.You must not lose faith in humanity!


I know how hard it is to deal with loneliness and that at some point everything seems lost and with no value.Despair may overwhelme you but it's very important to keep your hope.Because if you lose hope,somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all.


You are not alone!You are never really alone!


And when you remain alone try to use that time in an useful way.Try to understand your feelings better,to find out what's causing your desolation.If you make peace with youself things will start to get better.


Good luck!

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One, you are not alone in this world. There are people who feel just like you do and people who care about you.


I have often felt alone and like I have no one to talk to. I have often figured I would always be alone. What did I do? Well, depends on the mood. Sometimes it is good to just let out a big cry and let your emotions free. The feeling of letting all that go is good for you, it lightens up some of the emotional baggage that weighs you down and leaves you free to focus on the good things you do have going for you. Other times you turn the negatives into positives. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. That's why I cam to this site, because I was feeling empty and alone. But I didn't feel sorry for myself or ask for help. I used my feelings and experiences to help others in similar spots. The feeling of knowing that my words would help them, and that I was doing something postive and productive, helped me feel better about my life.


I'm here for you, I feel a lot of the hurt and sorrow you must be going through right now. I might not be able to be there in person and be the friend you probably need. But it does help just knowing someone is there to listen and talk to. Maybe if we knew more about your situation, we could help you more? And it also helps just to vent and get out the things that are bothering you.


You are a good person. I am sure that you have many great qualities, that you have things in your life to be cheerful about, and that you do have people who care about you. You may be in a rough time now, but things will work out for you. I know they will. Keep up hope.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like this a lot. I have quite a few friends but they're either married with children or in the process of settling down. I'm the only single one and I always feel like I'm in the way so I don't visit them much or call them as often. I feel lonely 99% of the time because I don't get to go out much anymore because of my friends being in the family way. About a month ago, I spent the majority of my weekend feeling sorry for myself. I think everything just hit me all at once. A lot of the time I feel like I'm on the outside looking in. I feel like everyone's lives are moving somewhere, except mine. I'm in a tough, lonely situation and sometimes I feel insignificant, even though I know that's not true. But I'm not alone in feeling like this.


I used to have a great social life but it's slowed down dramatically. But I have faith that it won't always be like this, even if sometimes I feel like I'll be single forever.

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I know exactly how you feel. I am also alone. If I could just grieve the loss of a relationship and then move on, that would be one thing, but the problem is the lack of anyone at all to move on with. For the past 8 years or so, I've been through a number of relatively short relationships that all ended badly (i.e., I got dumped). I don't want to be with any of those people now, but I do want to feel loved and to be able to give my love to a partner. I'm in therapy, I'm getting support and love from friends and family, other parts of my life are very good, but there's a huge hole right in the middle. I am so lonely, so tired of always being on my own, doing things on my own, planning trips on my own, taking care of my house on my own.


I'm in a bad funk these days, and the holidays don't help at all. Just another year when I'll be the one without a special someone to share it with. I just keep trying to put one foot in front of the other, and put myself out there to meet new people (for friendship as much as anything else). I don't know what else to do. Just keep on keeping on, I guess.

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Ok everyone, gather around. (((((group hug)))))


We all feel alone at times. We all feel like we have nothing going for us, like we have no one to talk to or who we can trust. It gets lonely and depressing. But there are people out there feeling the same way. There are people who you can talk to and who will understand you. There are people who love and care about you. So don't lose hope or let your sadness bring you to far down.


ediefy - I just had a relationship with a girl end badly. I feel so alone at times too. There is a huge part of me that feels empty, like something is missing that would turn my life around. Holidays can also be depressing. But think about the good. Focus not on what is missing, but on what is there. You have a loving family and support. You are doing well in other areas. It may not make you feel completely better, but its a start.


MissJones - I don't have much of a social life either. I'm single and feel like everyone else is moving forward. I sometimes feel sorry for myself. It's understandble to feel this way at times, its perfectly ok. But you can't let it get you down. Your friends probably don't think of you as in the way, they probably want to get together more often. And if you don't want to feel sorry for yourself, find a hobby to pass the time and have fun with.

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You guys are wonderful, reading your true thoughts resonates with me; I think with most people. I have two thoughts, first, that the only way a person gets over this is by learning how to be okay with being alone. If you can do that you'll be in good shape. Ever read Walden?

Second, just be grateful for those moments of connection with other people and the care they express towards you.

A lot of us came to this website originally because we found ourselves sad and lonely over an ended relationship or just out of general loneliness. I initially came to enotalone because my relationship of 3 and a half years ended and I moved 2000 miles away from home, partially to be near him (it was a factor in my graduate school decision). I watched a lot of our mutual friends this past year get married, many of whom started dating at the same time or even after we had. I definitely had the sense at times that everyone else's life was moving and I was watching. I spent a long time by myself, cultivating new friendships and now I'm in the best relationship I've ever been in and I'm surrounded by people that I love and that I truly do not deserve.

Shysoul, I've read many of your posts, I may not agree with all of them but one impression I've come away with is that you have a very loving, kind and gentle soul.


*Hugs around the room*



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southpaw, thanks. It's compliments like that which touch and motivate me. There's so much lonliness in the world, if something I say can help just one person be a little less lonely, then I've done my job.


that the only way a person gets over this is by learning how to be okay with being alone.


Agreed. Sort of like the saying that you have to love yourself before you can love others. First step is to understand who we are and be ok with ourselves, appreciating how to just enjoy life on our own. Once we are happy like that, our happiness will show, attract others, and things will naturally progress until we are not alone anymore.


Second, just be grateful for those moments of connection with other people and the care they express towards you.


Agreed. Embrace what you do have instead of worrying about what you don't. It's not always easy, but it brings happiness.

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