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I Love the Abuse


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I Love the Abuse


Killing time

Trying to be poetic

Feeling lonely

Feeling pathetic

Feelings are so mixed

When everything's out to confuse


I love to be loved

I love the abuse


But I don't understand much of what I want

Or need

All there is

Is feeling

All that's left

Is me


Not so


Can't make things better for others

Don't care to make them better for myself

Want to be handled—held—

Want to stay on the shelf


Use me til' I'm used up

Don't let me go to waste

Wanna bleed—a little

Wanna touch your face


Maybe I'm sick

Maybe it's sad


I'm sorry

I want to hurt so badly, sadly



It's so




I'm trying to be poetic

I'm feeling so lonely

I know I'm pathetic

Feelings entirely twisted

Any clarity I'll attempt to confuse


I love being loved

I love the abuse

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Why do people prefer to be abused rather than love? Or hurt themselves rather than feel love?

I know how it is to be addicted to pain - for many years I cried myself to sleep, playing unrequited love scenarios through my mind, where I loved someone so deeply, but always, always, ALWAYS, they were taken away by someone horrible and evil, and I could do nothing... I hurt so much inside, the pain became sweet - almost addicitive. I believe perhaps it's something to do with the hormones/chemicals in the body that are released when we feel pain. Perhaps it's possible to become addicted to it...


But, are people afraid of the power of real love, that they'd rather stay with someone abusive rather than choose someone loving?

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