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You do need to take this step in order to regain control of your life.

Anytime you are feeling weak; read your story - and look at how far you have come, and how much better off you are without him.


Stay strong - there will be someone in the future who gives you the love, committment and attention you deserve.

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I swaer he must be reading this.


Last night he text saying he loves me and that he wants to get back together.


Part of me would like that, but having spent time with him, he isn't the bloke I knew anymore. He's changed, and I don't think I like it.


I can't say i haven't changed, i know I have. Physically, I've totally changed my hair, the way I dress, my make up... I don't think I've changed on the inside. I enjoy myself more now, i go out more, I'm not meeting many new people but I'l talking to people he wouldn't let me before, and its brilliant.


It's just all so strange.


I would still like to be friends with him but I don't know if that'll happen or not.

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It all seems to be about power and control.


In the beginning, I was desparate to get him back, and he knew it. When I told him I didn't love him anymore, and wouldn't kiss him, he went into over drive telling me he loved me and trying to kiss me.


I text him this morning asking if he was ok, and if he had a sore head, I know he was drunk last night. He text saying "You have no idea. Not going out this weekend anymore. Will see you around."


This has annoyed me a bit. Maybe that's what it was meant to do. Now I can't stop thinking, what the hell did he do last night?


Aaargh be strong, you don't care what he did last night.

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I am feeling the same things as you now - its soo weird.


Was doing no contact - he sent me a text, i ignored it for 2 days, then called him on the third. i could be stopped, in my head i knew he wasnt going to be this new person, but i still wanted to hear his voice, and i wanted him to hear mine.


The message was on my mind for 2days! I know i have to learn to ignore them but i am st the stage now when i just do what i feel at the time. And its weird because it never crosses my mind to call him first - the best/worst thing could have happened to me and it wouldnt cross my mind to call him. But when he calls, i have the strength to ignore them and there are times when i will call him back a few days later. What i am trying to say is, i know what i have to work on, and i can see that you do too. Suppose we just need to get on with it right!!!!


I keep telling myself, i dont care what he did, what hes doing, and what he about to do, cuz i keep thinking about it.

He told me he is going to New York on sunday.....Why did i call him back, it would have been better off me not knowing- now thats all i am thinking about!!!!!


I dont feel that bad for calling him really, i know i am speaking to him less and less each month and i will get to the point when i dont wonna return his calls.


Soory about that, suppose i just needed to let things out.


Just be good, smile and keep reminding yourself of what you want to achieve - you'll get through.

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Well, I know what he did now.


He was on a blind date, met some girl, and they hit it off. I'm cut up about it. But I'm also kicking myself. If I'd just let go when we split, I wouldn't be feeling this now. How could I have been so stupid to think there was a chance we could work it out. I made huge mistakes, and he is selfish, we could never be together.

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