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Need opinion on letter I sent


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I met a man who left his wife and I also left my husband because we were both unhappy and had seemed to find our Soul mate in each other. We didn't have a physical relationship until we were both living separately from our spouses. My divorce went smooth and is now final. His has been a battle, and as a result after living with me in my home for several months he moved out. He loved me, but he needed time to get control over his life. It's now 6 months later and he is calling me again. He has done most of the things he said he wanted to do when he left, however his divorce is still 1 year away. He has always stated that he knows his life would be happy with me. I just want him now to be sure that he is ready to slowly welcome me back. Because I don't want him to come back only to realize he isn't ready and then leave once again.


So, I sent him this letter, would you please tell me how you would interpert it and how you would feel if you received this letter.





As I have said before I never believed in soul mates, until I met you. When you finally meet that one special person who you seem to have so much in common with, from thoughts on raising children, to common financial goals, to the movies and TV programs you enjoy watching and most of all the similarity in the passion you share and how you each express it. You and I share all these things and more. However, I have also learned something about soul mates as to why most people don't end up with that one special person in life and that is because of poor timing. So, instead they each take from what they found in their soul mate and look for someone else who best fits those qualities, knowing that if the timing was right there perfect match was right there, but they weren't ready to accept them into their life. I have always felt you were the one person who was and still is my perfect match. After 6 months you now have been able to accomplish a lot and seem to have control over your current life and have direction as to your future. I want you to know that I love you and your kids as much as anyone could possibly love. But, you are still going through the process of your divorce, and you need to decide what you want and if you are willing to take a chance again on love and future happiness. I know that for the next 6 months to 1 year your number one priority will be on your kids and your divorce. I understand what you need to get back full control over your future and I am willing to give you the time and support you need to make it through. However, I do not want to be pulled back into your life just to be pushed away. I have a lot to offer, but the one thing I have learned is that people are not always ready at the same time and so it is better to let them go then to hold onto something that they may never be ready for, because you will never find happiness in them and you will miss finding happiness in someone else.


I have given you the time and space you needed, even though it was the hardest thing I ever did. I have always been your best friend and number one supporter and will continue, but I also LOVE YOU and so I can't just be a friend.


Love and Affection,

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..ive never been married but i have dealt with a divorced man. #1...ur letter was beautiful..it sounded very gentle yet firm and clear with what you are asking for. i think he would interpret it as u want him to be sure that its YOU that he wants to be with..or else time and feelings would end up a waste.

if he is as level headed as you seem to be..he will understand ur letter and think about it...long and hard..then he will get back to u.


ur letter sounds very sweet...2nd chances are difficult to spot...i hope he doesnt miss it.


good luck

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