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What should I do???


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Alright well Im sure you have all heard of MySpace....if you haven't, its a site where everyone can make their own lil website and you can add friends to your site (they also have their own sites). Everyone's site has pictures, and blogs, etc, etc.


But here's my story: My boyfriend got jealous because I added a few of my guy friends on there....we had originally said we wouldn't add the opposite sex to our sites but then he added one girl because he said 'it would be rude not to add her' I admit that I was upset but I didn't add any guys until now. I told him they werent important to me, but they are my friends....which is very true!


I was like 'well you can add all the friends that are girls on there, I'm mature enough to accept it, just dont let them leave you any skanky messages or I WILL make you delete them'...but he sounded upset still,and he actually had the NERVE to say 'No, why should I delete them, I do what I want' but I noticed he was still upset, and being the fair one that I am

I was like, 'you know what, I'll take all the guys off there, i really don't care' 'but take off that girl too, and then it will be fair.' Instead what does he do? He adds another girl to his list.


I feel upset with him, but sometimes its hard to look at petty things like this when you're inside the box. Since I know he's stubborn, he might not be willing to delete that new girl (which would really upset me, because I think she's pretty....I'm a jealous one too)...so I kind of don't know how to go around something simple like this. Should I go to the point of not talking to him until he agrees to take the girls off his list? Should I just let it go? (but if i let it go, itll only make me feel like he stepped on me, when instead he should have dealt with it fairly. Especially after he said that one comment about not deleting skanky messages). I just dont know how to deal with it


All or any advice would be great. Thanks.

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Well, these attempts of each of you is each of you trying to feel more secure, you are showing what you do not feel secure about. When each of you showed some interest in having friends of the other sex, you each wanted the evidence to go away.


Now part of this is good. You each look at each others' actions for security, which tells me you want each other. But when you made him feel less secure, he lashed out a bit. Adn you retreated, and you begin to move apart, when you both really want the other to make you feel secure.


Someone needs to reverse this trend or it may continue. So reverse it.


As a suggestion maybe leave him a skanky message for the world to see on his myspace page that makes him feel more secure.

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Thanks for your idea, It is a good one.......but my only problem is that my sister also has a myspace, and she could easily read that skanky note I would write, and give me hell about it....and tell my parents....lol any other suggestions? or any ideas to say something skanky in a suttle way? Thanks =)

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I agree with Beec: Now part of this is good. You each look at each others' actions for security, which tells me you want each other. But when you made him feel less secure, he lashed out a bit. Adn you retreated, and you begin to move apart, when you both really want the other to make you feel secure.


However, I wonder about you "being fair" when you posted the part: and being the fair one that I am I was like, 'you know what, I'll take all the guys off there, i really don't care' 'but take off that girl too, and then it will be fair.


Having him delete her pic out is not about "being fair." Having him delete the pic is out of your insecurities that you admit to. You say yourself that he is stubborn and will go through with it. Fair will be you following through with your word that you will take the pic of your guys out because "it really doesn't bother you."


Be happy and secure with who you are He is with you, and not her. Insecurity in a woman can be one of the ugliest things there are, and it will show. If you are strong and secure, that will show as well and can be just as attractive as mere looks

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Both of you delete the myspace!!! Do it now to save any hurt feelings that have already happened! I had one and I didn't tell my b.f. because I wanted it for friendship- but guys can practically look at naked girls and i didn't want him to do that- especially if he knew them. SO I deleted mine and we are anti-myspace. DO it!

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