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This weekend a friend of mine introduced me to one of his friends and we hit is off great and shared that our past were so much a like and both have had the present sitting and not getting what we both knew we wanted out of the future.


At first I was really attracted to him and the more we got to know one another the stronger that attraction grew. The only thing I don't know from his was did he have any of these same feelings about me?


I don't want to do anything to interfere with developing a friendship so how do you tell them you love them or see if they have the same feelings for you without ruining the friendship.



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Well I wouldn't use the word love this quickly as it could cause him to shy away. Love can be VERY intimidating. Love means long-term and that's not what everyone is looking for.


Really what I think you should do is get to know him better, develop the friendship to it's peak level and then move forward. There's nothing wrong with dating someone to get to know them better, but the better you know someone the less chance of something surprise popping up and ruining the relationship faster then it started.


I think it'll also give you a chance to see how he feels about you, give you a better chance to figure out exactly what he wants from the relationship. Drop hints and hope he picks up on it... just nothing too obvious, flirting is a fun game to play no need to rush


I hope you understand.

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ok...im from Atlanta too..haha..."hi " fellow atlantan lol...

i understand how u feel, because i was likin sumone and he shy ~ed away from me,..and we are not even friends. That was so weird, i had thoughts that he was gay the way he avoided me. but heretic, to elaborate on what she was asking...what do u mean when the friendship reaches its peak?

I think she is trying to find out...at what point classifies the "peak" when it can be carried into a nother step to becoming an item.


As far as me, i find it difficult now, letting a guy know how i feel, because i always seemed to like guys that wasnt feelin me the same., and maybe it was for reasons that he was taken already and was secretive about it, or gay as i mentioned. but, when i start liking sumone i shy away, and deny to "myself" that im developing feelings...unless he takes the first step. IF there is a mutual interest, then i can relax,..if not...and i dont know, i have recently learned to keep my feelings to myself.


its the safest bet...4 me.



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