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my self esteeme is stoping me

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ok so theres this guy i fancy. he's basically the naughty type. which turns me on like crazy. he's good looking and cheeky and drives me mad. He seems sweet too in a caring kinda way as far as i know him. The only thing stopping me is my breast size. he's obsessed about boobs!!! as most men prob are lol. I'm having mine done next year but until then taking my top off in front of a guy is a big NO!!!


This is such a stupid reason not to have sex with him. i fancy him like crazy and feel turned on just talking and being around him. So far i also like him as a person. He seems cheeky but caring!!


lol he's gorgeous but my self esteem about my size stops me from doing what i wana so badly do.


luv annoyed sugar x x x

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i take it that you are very open to your

sexuality but not your breast size...you should

look at some of the polls conserning how big

a guy wants there girls breast to be...and they

all seem to range differently.


If the guy only want sex, why do you want him?

I hope your into protection because there is a lot

of nasty diseases including AIDS, CLAMITIA, HERPES

THE CLAP...And the list goes on...


You think its the breast that makes the woman

but its really their attitude and how they carry

themselves...Sure breast can be a bonus with

some guys, but try taking a look around at the

other guys who like you.


my prospective is that this guy is trouble

waiting to happen....


Just please be careful girl!!

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you should ask yourself this: "Am i getting this surgery to please my man, or am I doing it for my own personal happiness"?


If YOU appreciate your size the way it is regardless of what someone else thinks, then i see no strong reason for such a costly surgery. I'm not trying to discourage you because in the end you'll make your own choice anyway, I'm just saying think about how this will make you feel in the future whether you're with the guy then or not.


In my own personal opinion, i think you should have high self-esteem because you are unique in your own way and you shouldn't judge yourself, your bodily appearance by someone elses' appearance. It seems the person with the blonde hair wants it black and the personn with the black hair wants it blonde. That's fine and all, just don't let things like breast size get to you. You are no less of a woman. I didn't mean to preach to you, i just felt the need to say it. Good luck with your decision though!

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This is such a stupid reason not to have sex with him.
I agree! It's a stupid reason for anything.

i fancy him like crazy and feel turned on just talking and being around him. So far i also like him as a person. He seems cheeky but caring!!


lol he's gorgeous but my self esteem about my size stops me from doing what i wana so badly do.

Honey, don't let your boob size stop you from doing, or make you do, anything! You are more than your body parts!


As for the guy, he's already seen your real size (unless you, um, "augment" your bra ). If he wants you, then what's the problem? Tell the voice in your head to shut up!


I'm more concerned about you having surgery on your breasts. That's a permanent solution to a temporary discomfort. I infer from your post that you're fairly young; is that why you're waiting 'til next year for the surgery? Do yourself a favor and wait a few more years, and focus on accepting yourself as you are. Work hard on that self-esteem. Self-confidence is the biggest turn-on for most people, not body parts. And if you don't have self-esteem, then no amount of surgery is going to make you feel better. You might even feel worse because you'll convince yourself that guys only like you for your boobs -- and they're not even "real"!


Remember, the surgery option will still be there if you really need it. Just try self-acceptance first, OK? Hope this helps. Please let us know what you decide!

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What you need to work on is your level of insecurity and not your breast size. You may be getting them augmented next year but your insecurity is not going to change, next its going to be something else. I just think that you need to realize that the implants are not going to change that feeling of insecurity that you have in you, its just going to make your breast larger, now this may give you more confidence but what you really lack is being comfortable in your own skin. What are you really affraid of by being topless around a guy. I would explore and try and remedy your own insecurity and realize that a breast augmentation only goes so far.

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If he is obsessed with boobs, he should like yours just fine. Guys who are into that tend not to like a size so much as being fans of the entire genre. Unless he is very insensitive and cold, he'll like what you do have. And if he does say something, think about whether or not you really want a guy who is going to think less of you because of your breast size? It shouldn't be about the breasts, it should be about the person.


The real issue here isn't your breast size, or about him. It is about you. It has to do with being comfortable with who you are, with each aspect of you. Having surgery isn't go to change who you are. It doesn't guarantee that he'll like you more or guarentee that you will be more comfortable with yourself. The issue is an emotional one, not a pysical one. You need to focus on your strengths, the many qualities that make you the great person you are. Cause in the end it isn't the size of the breasts that matter, it is the size of the heart.

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