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Why do guys like it so much

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Just like when a girl gives a guy oral sex, the pleasure is not in the actual act, it is in the feelings behind the act. As others have said, it is the feeling of knowing that you are giving someone you love such pleasure and bliss. Sex is 90% emotional. The real pleasure comes from within, knowing that we are sharing ourselves and making our loved one happy.

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Just like when a girl gives a guy oral sex, the pleasure is not in the actual act, it is in the feelings behind the act. As others have said, it is the feeling of knowing that you are giving someone you love such pleasure and bliss. Sex is 90% emotional. The real pleasure comes from within, knowing that we are sharing ourselves and making our loved one happy.


I have to agree with this as far as oral sex goes, but vaginal intercourse tends to be a little less sensual and personal. I mean, while performing oral sex it's purely about one person receiving pleasure that you are giving them. The woman can look into the man's eyes as she goes slow on his penis and tease him with licks and a smile. The man can rub his hands on her body as he brings the woman to orgasm... I guess to me oral just seems more personal and sensual so it is more of a mental thing to have an orgasm, but vaginal sex is more animalistic and for mutual pleasure.


With that said, I love to perform oral sex on my girl because I love feeling her body writhe with pleasure and have her run her hands through my hair as she breathes heavily and moans. I was discussing this with my current gf (we were discussing what we want out of sex when we get married as we've both chosen to wait till then) and she said that she loves to give oral sex because of the response she gets from the guy. If he were to lie there and not give any indication of whether or not he enjoyed it, she would stop and not like to do it for him anymore.

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vaginal sex is more animalistic and for mutual pleasure.


90% of Women do not orgasm through vaginal penetration. There is some pleasure during intercourse...but if you are thinking the big "O" it doesn't happen to most.


ORAL... YEP. Clitoral stumulation works every time.


Well, yea


Actually, my current gf says she is not the norm for that and doesn't really orgasm from oral sex. She is definitely a vaginal sex orgasm girl, and in fact she had an orgasm the other day from having me press my penis against her opening (we both had pants on... I had jeans in fact) a few times... She shook hard and gasped for breathe then had another one soon after that when I continued to rub it against her area. I guess I am a very blessed man

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90% of Women do not orgasm through vaginal penetration. There is some pleasure during intercourse...but if you are thinking the big "O" it doesn't happen to most.


And unfortunately many men don't know this. They watch P movies where the woman reaches orgasm through Penetration and it is deceiving. That is faking it.

So yes, the best O is through oral sex for a woman.

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90% of Women do not orgasm through vaginal penetration. There is some pleasure during intercourse...but if you are thinking the big "O" it doesn't happen to most.


Umm... where did you get that number? I seem to recall it is more like 30% than 90%.


Over 90% of the women I have been with have experienced orgasm through vaginal penetration leading to the big "O", and some have experienced G-spot orgasms.


The clitoris is only one genital location that can lead to orgasm, and being so close to the vagina, it can't help but get a little stimulation during intercourse.

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that statistic is not coreect. i do have to check but i believe that its really like 20-30% of woman who orgasm at all do it during sex. everyone else does it before or after sex and a small percentage that do it other, like fingers, oral or dildos and stuff. about 5-10% of all woman do not orgasm more than a few times, like EVER, some NEVER....

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Important thing to remember is to please your partner. Each person has different things that get them going. Pay attention to those things and do what you can to make her happy. It's about mutual satisfaction, making each other feel good. Stimulate their bodies, their hearts, their minds, and their souls.

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No, the statistic is more like 60-70% who can't regularly orgasm during intercourse without other stimulation. This means MOST women. That's important to keep in mind.


im sry im confused


i said 20-30% do during sex

you said 60-70-% dont during sex

isnt that almost the same thing besides the 10% margin?

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I had a one night stand years ago, (yes, naughty me - however this is the ONLY one night stand I have EVER had), anyway this guy was really sexual.


He had sex with me and was really aggressive. He didn't hurt me, but he is was rough sex and I liked it!


But I was sore afterwards. He went down on me and it was the nicest feeling ever.


After have such rough (but good) sex, he was so gentle and soft as he went down on me - it was an amazing feeling......

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I am sorry.. it was a typo. The number should have read.. 70% of women (On Average) do not have a big "O" through penetration. So that means that the other 30% do. (LUCKY FOR ME.. I FALL INTO THE 30% Bracket!!)


Here's a good read for you:



An orgasm is described as a level of sexual arousal that reaches a peak then subsides leaving the participant feeling elated, relaxed and sexually satisfied. It is difficult to describe an orgasm because it is different for every female. Women generally describe it as a feeling of being so aroused that you are going to explode.

Muscles in your body may go into contraction, your hands tighten up, you may arch your back, your facial expression is intense, your breathing pattern changes to short gasps, your legs tremble, your toes curl under. You may make groaning noises, whimper, some women cry out. Because the sensations are so intense and so different for each woman, it like trying to describe a sneeze.

Are all women capable or reaching orgasm? Yes, unless there is some rare congenital abnormality or extensive genital surgery where nerves have been cut. Some women who have had a stroke can still reach orgasm. Women who are Spinal Cord injured and are paraplegic or quadraplegic will probably not have a genital orgasm but can reach orgasm by stimulating other areas of their bodies. Some women who have severe diabetes may not reach orgasm because of nerve degeneration.

Some women have lovely small ripple orgasms, others have massive orgasms. There are women who have one orgasm after the other as long as the stimulation continues; for others, one is quite enough for them. There is no normal, all are unique. A few women may have singleton orgasms with one partner and multiple orgasms with another partner. Some women experience a headache after orgasm; some start to cry and some start to laugh; this is simply a release of pent-up sexual tension. These reactions quickly pass and you bathe in the afterglow. Be honest about it. Every once in a while, you will have a cataclysmic orgasm. He will know it – he'll have the bruises to show for it. There are no rules when it comes to orgasms.

It is a myth that a female should have an orgasm every time she has sex. There are times when it just will not happen, if she feels fat or ugly, afraid that she might get pregnant or a disease, she may be tired, stressed, angry at her partner, preoccupied with family or finances etc. She may be uncomfortable, even in pain.

There will be times when all systems are GO and she does not have an orgasm. The sex was good, she is fine, satisfied, happy and contented. She was very aroused then just slid over the top and into the "refractory period" but she is still purring.

Here is where your partner enters the scene. Do not ask "DIDJA COME?" This puts pressure on her to have an orgasm to convince you that you are a good lover and capable of satisfying her. She may be tempted to fake orgasm just to have you believe that you are that good. Faking orgasm is destructive to a relationship that is based on honesty and trust. If your partner is dishonest, the trust level is shattered and that can be very damaging to a relationship.

Ladies, be honest, "No, I didn't have an orgasm but you are great, I feel wonderful, WOW, you are da man." Guys, accept that.


Most women reach their first orgasm all by themselves. Few things you have to do before you begin. First, you have to:

  • 1. Become comfortable with your own body.
  • 2. Look at the messages you got as a kid about "self pleasuring"(masturbation). Bad, dirty, dangerous?
  • 3. Give yourself permission to fantasize about sex. Read a sexy novel, romance pocket book, allow yourself to get turned on. You can't masturbate without fantasy. Read our web site on female masturbation.
  • 4. Give yourself permission to stimulate yourself, Lear what pleasures you, all by yourself.
  • 5. Share that information with your partner, guide your partner so he can make the moves that are pleasurable for you.

There are a few basics you need to know. For most females, penis size is not important. Bigger is not better. Most women do not reach orgasm with sexual intercourse. Most women reach orgasm by clitoral stimulation, either manual, oral-genital contact or a vibrator.





The key to performing good oral sex on a female is to talk to your partner, check it out with her, what feels good, what she likes and does not enjoy, listen to her breathing patterns and body responses.

Be aware that many females really believe that their genitals are ugly, that they are dirty and that they don't smell very good. They may need reassurance that their genitals are beautiful, unique and a real turn on for you. Sex will be more pleasurable if she is relaxed.

Contrary to popular opinion, the vagina is not where the action is. Anatomically, the clitoris is analogous to a penis, but the clitoris has twice as many nerve endings as a penis.

Start slowly, "sensate focus" - hugging, kissing, stroking, petting, fondling, fingering, all great for sexual arousal. Very gently, spread the labia, touch the clitoris very gently. You can feel it become erect and lubrication will be noticeable. You can also stroke around the vaginal opening and very gently penetrate the vagina with your fingers, making sure that this is pleasurable for her.

For oral contact, licking, sucking, kissing and gently blowing on the clitoris is pleasurable. Just remember, be very gentle. Do not blow into the vagina.

At the same time you may wish to stroke around the vaginal opening, mimicking thrusting of the penis. You may wish to use a vibrator or dildo around the vagina or anal area. Talk to your partner.

Many females will reach orgasm with oral genital sexual contact. To be most effective, check with her so you know what really is pleasurable and satisfying.

SAFER ORAL SEX performed on a female will rely on a latex or polyurethane protective covering over her genitals. Sexual Health counselors may recommend a DENTAL DAM. This is a 5 inch square of thin latex used by a dentist. You can purchase them at a drug store, but most people use scissors to simply cut up the side of a latex condom, open it out, place it over her genitals to cover any areas that your mouth may come in contact with.

This is the best protection to prevent her genital herpes infecting your lips, or systemic yeast infection. At present there is some debate about genital warts developing in the digestive track. And there is always the fear of HIV/AIDS infection.

Always think…SAFER SEX.
is a move which I first heard of in an old 1970's soap opera. It is oral sex on her clitoris, manual stimulation inside her vagina and, with the remaining hand, stimulation around her rectum, even penetrating the rectum if that is pleasurable for her. Make sure you use lubrication. This puts a whole new meaning to "getting your act together."

For further info.. Dr. Sue Johnson has some excellent books out.

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