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Best Friend spending too much time with her BF

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Hang out with someone else. I had a friend who was like that, she would totally lose herself in a relationship and when they broke up, guess who came around more often? So I just hung out with my other girlfriends. I know it stinks but some people do that but what else can you do?

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Hi - I've been in that situation so many times, and I know how hard it is. Try asking her to do something with you several days, maybe a week in advance, so she can't say she's already made plans. Tell her you miss her and want to see her - just the two of you.


If she keeps flaking on you and cancelling plans with you, just write her off. That's not what a good friendship is based on.


good luck

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I've had this happen before, they become obsessed with their partner and disregard everyone else then there is a rough break up and they come back looking for the pieces.


I personally agree with what others have said, if she keeps this attitude, find others to spend time with. They may not be your best friend, but if she is too concerned with a boyfriend, there isn't much else because that is the star attraction in her life. I'm sure there are others from general friends to acquaintances in your life that would love to spend that time with you if she won't.


Its not a nice thing (what the friend is doing) and happens all too often. Especially if it is her first boyfriend, that usually seems to be the worst of it. Nonetheless, you can't say you haven't tried and despite she is a good friend, I'd still keep this in mind for later reference, a situation like this will come back in the future at some point or another.

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