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14 year old girl 18 year old boy

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Ok I got a question not saying it applies to me before anyone rants on and moans at me lol.


Ok would you say it is wrong for a 14 year old to date a 18 year old? bear in mind the 14 year old is actualy extreemly mature for there age both mentaly and physicaly.


And if you say thats ok what about if the 14 year old was physicaly mature but not so mature mentaly?


And what would you say if the two were to copulate so to say?


Also bear in mind the 18 year old is not taking the girl for a ride and has great respect for them and feelings.

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Dregnought - dude, copulate means sex. Anyway, whats wrong with an 18 yr old going out with a 14yr old, got a friend at school whos with a man whos 25 and she's only 17. As long as they both care for each other and the 'mental immaturity' thing doesn't bother him why wouldn't it be ok? So no, i don't think it's wrong.

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Sorry to be the dissenting opinion, but I think an 18 year old man sleeping with a 14 year old child (or planning to) needs to take a good long look at himself, be a man and realize it's not appropriate. If he had "great respect" for her he'd step away and let her be a teenager instead of encouraging an adult relationship she's not emotionally ready for. Anything else is just being selfish.

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who's to say sex is just part of an adult realtionship. Sex is just the act of love and if they are both really in love, then it is just an expression of this. I dont think an age limit can be put on feelings such as these, and they often can't be curbed by taking a 'good long look' at yourself. i guess it does all come down to opinion. Anyway Glorie, everyone to there own .

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I think the essential point must be that it's really not possible to know with certainty that a 14-yr old is in reality as mentally and physically mature as they project. A 14-yr old by definition lacks a lot of vital experience necessary for her to be able to handle the situation without being at great risk of getting hurt and being damaged for years to come.


A sexual relationship with an 18-yr old is wide open to exploitation, even without any intention to do so on either side. I'm not going to say it would never be okay for anyone, but I think because the odds are so stacked against it, and most importantly because it's simply not possible to know whether it's okay or not in individual circumstances, you have to go with the assumption that it won't be okay, the girl will get hurt, and so it shouldn't really take place.

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Ohh well contrasting opinions there, and was wondering cos a friend of mine (and when I say friend I dont mean me lol cos I know thats what alot of people say, I just come out of a seriouse relationship and am not ready). well I supported him and her with there decision. But yer I knew anouther person who was about to do the same thing and I was just wondering if it was the right thing to do.

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Hmmm, I don't know dude. I'd watch out for her dad if I were him. If I had a daughter who was 14 (a child!!) and was being chased by an 18 year old (a man) then I'd be coming after him with a pick ax. Not sure if that is before or after I call the police and lawyers.

14 years old - what is she in grade 8? What could he possibly have in common with her? I'm guessing he is out of high school or soon will be. This is just weird. I think deep down in his heart, he knows it is weird too - and you do too - otherwise you wouldn't be asking about it here right?

In summary: Early teens should date early teen and late teens should date late teens. I'm a totally liberal "anything goes" kind of guy but c'mon!! This is child abuse!

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Dude I dunno if ur this 18 year old, whether you are or not, The fact is if you have sex with someone under 16 then you are doing something which is illegal and u cud get in alot of trouble for dude. so whoever this is about it really isnt a good idea if your planning to have sex. Ok yeah fair enoguh if these people are in love they may consider sex, but hell, if this dude loves her he should be mature enough to know that sex at that age and then breaking up with the first time or whatever or something anything going wrong can cause not only physical but mental harm. So yeah whoever its a bout think about it.



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Sex is for those in love and ALSO those willing to accept the responsibility of raising a child...


I agree with this. Sex is an act of love. However, mistakes happen. There's always a possibility of getting pregnant. It doesn't matter how much protection you use.


There are plenty of ways to express love. If you can't handle the possible consequences of sex, then you aren't being responsible or smart.


She is 14. There is no way she could be ready to be a mother. I really think your friend needs to either stay away from her, or stop having sex until she's older. It's just more respectful because at 14, you don't know all there is to know about sex.

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well im a 14 year old, well as im not a girl its not the same, but if the girl and the guy really love each other then there is nothing wrong.i really think that they should wait a year or two before sex,unless the girl is absulutley and positivley ready.to me it seems girls r usally a little more thought out about these kind of things then guys r.but whether or not u believe the law is right (which its not), its still the law so be careful is all i have to say and definetly dont rush her until shes ready.

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well im a 14 year old, well as im not a girl its not the same, but if the girl and the guy really love each other then there is nothing wrong.i really think that they should wait a year or two before sex,unless the girl is absulutley and positivley ready.to me it seems girls r usally a little more thought out about these kind of things then guys r.but whether or not u believe the law is right (which its not), its still the law so be careful is all i have to say and definetly dont rush her until shes ready.


I'm sorry, but you're wrong on two counts.




It's amazing that the people who agree with these adult-teen relationships are always teens... I don't have a single friend my age (19) that would say it's ok, if they love each other. You're 14. Repeat that. You have no idea what kinds of life experiences lay ahead of you (or the 14 year old this thread is about) that might alter your perception of life, relationships, love, sex, etc... I honestly don't think a person's perceptions are defined until after they're 18. For some it's later and for some it's sooner. At this point in a person's life they have a firm foundation of education, found out what they really like to do (interests, hobbies etc), most likely found out what they'll look for in future potential partners, and most likely they will start living on their own so they start to realize what the real world is like.




Guys are born ready for sex (well, not really but you get what I mean), that's why they start masturbating at a much much younger age than girls do and that's why most guys want to have sex before girls even realize what sex is. Girls are just not as comfortable with their bodies until they're older and a persons willingness to have sex, sexual comfort, sexuality and so on all depend on how comfortable that person is with their body. If a girl is not comfortable with her body she won't enjoy sex. She'll constantly be thinking about what she looks like, how embarrassed she feels, what the guy must think of her at the moment, and basically everything but the act of love making. Now take a step back and think about whether or not a 14 year old girl (emphasis on GIRL) is emotionally and physically ready for sex.


Girls usually don't even discover their sexuality until they're in their mid- to late-teens because of their lack of interest or knowledge about sex. My girlfriend (who is also 19 btw), wasn't even comfortable with her own body and sexuality until we started dating. She had previous boyfriends, but only one that actually tried getting intimate with her, but went about it completely wrong, which is understandable because this guy was a complete jerk who cared nothing about any of his girlfriends feelings and just his own. Anyway, it took a lot of talking and conversations to really get my girlfriend to understand how important it is to be comfortable with ones own body and sexuality. Another point, this girl is 14... if some 18 year old guy tried to have a "relationship" with my sister when she was 14 there'd be issues... mainly issues related to a 2x4 and his head, then his knees and then his family jewels


Like I stated earlier, sex is for those willing (and able) to accept the responsibility of raising a child. A 14 year old is far away from being able to accept that responsibility whether she thinks so or not.

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Id love to be able to say that this is fine, but in our world its not, how often to you read the heading 'paedophile' in the papers, i know this isnt what you intend to be, but thats what people will class you as because she is so young, shes barely ready for a bf her age, let alone an 18 year old.


She needs to be with people her age at this stage in her life, if shes with you she may develop far too fast mentally and then not be compatible with her friends.


If you were to decide to dont like her afterall and dump her it would leave serious problems for her not only now but maybe into adult life.


Im sorry but this isnt right, like has been said above, if you respect her youll wait.

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