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While some tests will be accurate up to 5 days before your period is supposed to start, ideally you should wait until you miss your period or after a few days you have missed it (about two weeks after ovulation). This is when hormones are stronger and have built up enough to be detected.


Taking it BEFORE then is pretty useless. It can take up to 3-5 days for the egg to even be fertilized (the sperm can live in your body for a few days until you release an egg) and then it can take up to ONE week for the conceived egg to implant into the uterine wall, where it then starts the process where pregnancy hormones are released and it takes a few days for these to build up to detectable levels.


So, I would say wait until you miss your period (which I hope you do not).


Did you use protection?


Also note even with protection there is always a chance of pregnancy. You can use two forms of birth control to decrease chances, but there is still a chance (ie use condom and pill).


If you are this anxious, you may want to consider not having sex at this time if it will only add lots of stress into your life. Also, make sure you are your bf are on the same page when it comes to what you would do if you DID get pregnant.

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