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What did she mean when she said...

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If a girl says, "maybe our paths will cross again" when she is certain it may be the last time she sees you, is this to be taken as a clue or is it my wishful thinking? I have a crush on her and that phrase stood out in my head. I never got a clue that she was interested in me, so I wonder if it meant more than it sounded or if I am grasping at straws. Thanks.

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Mabe your paths will cross again, in several years, in a different lifetime, etc. I know by saying that she realizes this is likely the last time you will see each other in the foreseeable future. But who knows what will happen in 5 year, 10 years, etc. I'd say it's a sign there's a connection between you but the timing isn't right. Maybe you both have stuff to go through to get to where you can meet again and be together.

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If a girl says, "maybe our paths will cross again" when she is certain it may be the last time she sees you, is this to be taken as a clue or is it my wishful thinking? I have a crush on her and that phrase stood out in my head. I never got a clue that she was interested in me, so I wonder if it meant more than it sounded or if I am grasping at straws. Thanks.


Can you please be more specific as its difficult to giveyou advice without knowing the extent of the situation.



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Ok she and I worked in the same company, different departments though. We talked a few times, had a couple of nice conversations but nothing big. On my last day as I was leaving the building I was sort of upset that I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to her when lo and behold, she shows up out of the blue. She was on her way out of the building as I was waiting for the elevator to go to the basement. Fate? Who knows. Anyway, we talked for a bit about the job and stuff, and throughout the whole conversation I wanted to ask her out but I chickened out. We shook hands and I said it was very nice to have met her and she said who knows, "maybe our paths will cross again". It has been in my head ever since (a month) and I am wondering if it means something, did she perhaps give me a subtle clue, or is it that because I have a crush on her that I am making a big thing out of nothing.



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If there was a clue, which there may have been. You didnt act on it at this point I would probably let it go... As it might come off kind of strange if you found her now, coming out of the bushes and falling into her arms, with: "I have finally found you and I got your clue" this is not the best approach... I suggest you move on... Unless infact your paths cross, try to sparke a conversation and see wher it goes!


There is an alternative, you can start to stalk her, and lurk in the shadows, of her new employment, follow her home day in and day out. You will discover her scheduele and pattern, from which you may find her places of interest and find a pattern for them as well. Talk some of your friends into going out with you on a night you suspect her to being at these locales. Then as if a knight of schiverly and shining armor with pep to your step, come out and say, "Hi, what a coinsidence, I ve always come to this place its so nice to see you." the downside to this, going through all of this might infact be a possible clue to you having a highly irregular mental lapse of judgement. Perhaps furthermore, you may have serious mental discrepencies. If this information ever came out, she might think its cute. But by that point it is quite possible she would have discovered your true nature and this would have resulted in the downfall of your relationship.


What ever you choose as a solution,


Good Luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Honestly, Id say it means nothing, just a nice way to end the conversation. Without hearing her say it , it's hard to tell, but i wouldn't read into it to much.


By reading your last post, I agree with Zerohero. In my past experiences, I have used that same line with nice people who got promoted to another department. It's just a pleasant thing to say when parting. It sounds better to say that than to say "goodbye" which sounds so much like "the end."

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