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Confused. still hooking up with ex.

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I went out with my ex gf for 10 months, but I always pushed her away by calling her mean names, never calling her, or emailing her, etc. A couple weeks ago, we finally hooked up when she was drunk, after not talking for a month and a half. I saw her tho, since she is in my college class. Then we talked the next day, and hugged a lot. Since then, we've hung out a couple times after that, and we've always hugged. Recently, I let out all my feelings how I want her back. She said at times she felt close, but never that close. I was her first bf, so she wants to experience new guys, and she doesn't think we'll work out. However, she said when she's with me, she wants me. When I'm not hanging out with her, she feels that she doesn't need me. She feels guilty for hugging me and kissing me, but she says she can't help it when she's with me. We've kissed a couple times now. I think she's telling the truth, that when she's with me she wants me but doesn't think of me when i'm not around because she doesn't IM me, email me, call me, etc anymore, which she used to do. What is going on? What should i do? Any hope to get her back?

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In all honesty, you sound like a great guy. However, I wouldn't let her use you whenever its convenient for her. You deserve someone who will appreciate, cherish, and have the common courtesy and respect to value you as an individual. I think you are too availible for her. I think its time to let go of her for you; not for her. Your attitude should be like this "If you don't appreciate, value, cherish or respect me then I'll find someone someone else who will cherish me as an individual/great guy and appreciate my companionship...not treat you like a pet or a toy. Dude....for your peace of mind.....quit talking to her and distance yourself from her. If you don't she will be nothing but emotional cancer and a distraction/obstacle. Wish you the best of luck

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i feel that if i keep in contact with her, she'll like hanging around me. When I hook up with her, she's bound to get attached, and want to come back. Do you really think I should do NC? I'm not sure.


You missed my point goghan. By your own admission, you were pretty mean to her so what makes you so sure she would want to return to you. She's probably thinking: I'm gonna get more of the same if we get back together, so why should I!

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