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I'm shy so what are these guys doing?


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I am a shy person. I have to know people really well and then I am funloving and crazy sometimes. I hang around a certain group of guys all the time b/c they are friends with my best friends's brother. So anyway, I am shy around them b/c they are loud and funny and crazy. Well one of the guys started hitting on me and I really liked him but he would never take the initiative to actually date me. Me friend says he is just shy, but he would keep trying to get me to stay with him so I felt like he was just trying to get sex (which I never gave him) so I gave up on him. Well now, another of the guys has expressed an interest but he was joking around asking if I could keep him warm. So I don't know if he is trying to get sex too or if he actually is interested. I mean it is new but he hasn't tried to ask me out either. I don't know what is going on. I mean, why do I make guys not want to be committed to me? I am shy! Its not like I seem fast or something. If you asked anyone, they would say I am the LEAST likely to sleep with someone unless I was in a serious relationship and its true. SO what is the deal? Help!

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Women often make the mistake in thinking that if a guy wants sex then he isn't interested in anything else. This is false in many cases. Someone may be physically attracted to you (which if you take to it's inevitable conclusion essentially means they want to sleep with you), which is a primary draw, but then your personality and other factors come into play. What is possible is that a guy is attracted to you physically, but after getting close to finds out that they don't like other aspects of you, but since they like you physically they still desire a physical relationship. However, it is perfectly likely that your physical attractiveness is the primary draw and that they desire a relationship with you on a deeper level as well. In other words, just because a guy wants to sleep with you doesn't mean that is ALL he wants. Embrace your ability to attract men on a physical level, and see if you can build something that goes deeper.

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I think you need to be a lot more confident and step out of your comfort zone, a confident lady is much more attractive. Your best friend's brother's group might see you as one of the guys and ignore your female attributes but you are so shy but the mintue you throw off that shy coat and step out with confidence you'll be surprised to see who takes notice.

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