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this is what happened.....


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okay, if anyone has read what i wrote here.....

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i called him today and asked if i could come over. so i did. we talked, made out, dry humped (all clothes on).....so this is the second time i have seen him.


whenever i am with him, i feel comfortable, i feel he is genuine and sincere and honest. i feel like i can trust him. and i asked him a lot about himself, and his answers seemed decent. he didnt ask me much questions about me but it was comfortable talking.


except he says he never got the two emails i sent him otherwise he would have emailed back. i was puzzled, i could have sworn i sent it. he showed me his email account.....and there wasnt anything. how puzzling. i dont know if i believe him.


he said we should see each other. date. and asked me to call him tomorrow or email him my phone number. (to use his work email instead). i said okay.


but i want to protect myself at all costs. i asked him if it was only sex he wanted and he said no. he said when he was younger he was like that. (he is 36 now). he said if he wanted sex he could just call up a friend and do it with her. he said the last time he had sex was 7-8 months ago with a friend.so, i am going to not have any kind of sex with him at all. nothing nada. only making out and mabe dry humping. but anything else, no. i will hold strong and fast to this for a long long time (months) and we will see.


when i am away from him i have doubts and feel uncertain, but when i am with him, i dont feel anything is wrong. but to make sure and to protect myself.....


any one else have suggestions how i make sure to protect myself (just in case) he is not the good guy he appears to be?? (it will take time and tests to know for sure, and i want to take care of myself) one more chance. he seems real but i am not sure. there seemed to be open communication and we seem to get along well but i do not want to jump guns until i know for sure. so......how long do i wait? and how do i help protect myself? i must protect myself at all costs.

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Hi teacup,


I would say just take things slow and enjoy getting know him. It sounds like you are at a good start, like having a good line of communication and feeling comfortable with him. You will know when you are ready, just take things slow. Good luck with everything and take care.

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Take it slow, but you'll know what you want if you date him a few times. I always thought we knew by the third date if there was potential. And by the fifth date, I generally knew sex was in the near future. No rules, do things when you are ready.

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Hey all those beer bottles could mean he doesn't like to take out the trash. But why would ppl or he be drinking in the bathroom?


Why didn't you leave your number on the way out? If you are calling him asking if it's ok for you to go over then you leave no room for him to do some work here. Didn't he say he wanted to date? Let him ask you out for a change. Don't offer to go over for now.


Bottom line though, if you don't feel right about this guy then let it go. There are other guys out there and possibly some that wouldn't let you out the door without making sure they have your number on speed dial. Just a thought.

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teacup - your answers are already in all your posts.

You dont want to be thought of as his sex buddy.


Let him call you for now on. Let him chase you. You can very easily just go out with him and NOT HAVE SEX.

It shouldnt even be in your mind.Your not married to him , you are just dating him to see if you are compatible. Thats the joy of dating.

Have fun , smile ,flirt , stop worrying. In time he will show you exactly what he wants from you.

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