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One Girl One Guy In a Gallery

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Ok im an artist blacksmith and i went to this gallery today to see about gettin some of my stuff in there. There is this girl who is doing work experience there, i think she is about 19. the first time i say her was a week ago and she was smilling and looking at me alot though i was too busy talking to the owner. Anyway this time when i went in i spent allmost the whole day there and we talked a lot at the beginning. At first we spoke a fair bit and then it kind of lost speed, i couldnt tell if she had been intrested to begin with and then decided she wasnt intrested.


She was very intrested in my work and hung around while me and her boss were talking until 3pm before going to get some lunch, even though she was complaining that she was hungry. I dont know when i left a saw her in the drive way and i stoped the car to say 'bye, see ya' but she didnt even stop walking, she said good bye and everything but. I dont know ive allways been rubish at reading the signals.


She was fairly talkative and i did make her laugh a bit, also we have a fair bit in common. i just dont know. your thoughts please.



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This sounds like a critical moment, if you are questioning her interest then its quite possible there is a reason to. Perhaps you had her interest when you were not paying attention to her. But as soon as you noticed her and began to spend time on her she maybe started to pull back and try to take control of the situation. Right now you need to hold back, and be your self still be funny, confident, and cool. Concentrate on being social and active, but not on her. She will light up once again, you will see.



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Don't quit. Come on give it a shot. No time to learn like the present.


absolutely. That was one website. She may not have seen it!!.


Who knows, this could be the girl you were supposed to spend the rest of your life with and you are giving up!!


Your unborn children will never forgive you.

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I dont know exactly what's goin on between you and her, and the 'best' way to gauge it after flirting and talking is ...you should have asked for her number. Just learn to make it a habit every time you meet a girl you think you're interested in, get her number before you leave, you may never see her again, and the opportunity is lost. So...don't forget next time.

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Ok update on the situation. I went over and was just about to ask her out in the next few minutes, when somone she was talking to mentioned that she should come over and bring her boyfriend. So thats that, poo!


Well thanks anyway guys, you have been a great help, i mean that. even though it came to nothing, at least i now know the signs to look for. If i ever see them.

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