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Hi it has bee almost a week since i lost my girlfriend(breakup) shes with another guy now kinda fast how she moved on huh? anyways i miss her yeah but now i know i dont need someone who just bounces around from guy to guy. this girl has been the love of my life and i have given up everything for her. and now i dont know were to go or were to turned too . i feel lost, rigth now i dont want to get into a relationship because i want to be able to recognize what i have lost and be able to say dam i had something good. despite the fact that she cheated on me i forgive her. for every single thing she has done wrong to me. but i dont forgive her for abondoning me out of knowwhere. she calls me asking for my friendship and i dont know if she deserves it. im lost i find myself dating a whole bunch of beautiful girls that im not intrested in. for some reason i want her back but am I crazy? am I stupid? i dont know i just feel so lost.

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i think that is a normal reaction. when someone you loved does something to betray you, you feel very confused and lost. you wonder what went on and if the love you shared was ever genuine. and then you wonder what you should do with ur time because someone that you cared about was torn from you.


i think it makes sense to miss her, to mourn, to grief and to even forgive her because your being able to forgive her showed how much you genuinely cared for her. that you can overlook a transgression like that.


but you also have a right to be angry, and you probably will be later on. perhaps the mourning is only the first stage of the process.


either way, your gf does not seem to be emotionally healthy, steady and stable person. to bounce from one guy to another doesnt seem to be the choice of someone healthy who's ready to be committed and who knows what they want.


if you are the type that is able to be very steady and steadfast, loyal and faithful and to love deeply. then my hat is off to you because to be true and genuine in today's world is a special thing indeed.


i hope that helps give you some food for thought.

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Hey thanks for the reply i dindt think you were going to be the one to answer since there are loads of members on this site. but thanks. im moving on pretty slowly as far as hating goes i doubt that, i dont ever think i could hate this person despite my lost, i am thankful that i had met her. I think more of the good moments instead of the wrong ones. i just hope that indeed she is happy in the near future and i wish the same for me. its gonna be hard moving on without her. but in the end we both need to see other poeple. specially me. but in the mean time i just wanna be me.



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I know you're confused, but the facts of the situation are easy to see. She cheated on you and left you for someone else. There's nothing forgivable about this. You've been disrespected so hard and this erases all of the good times you two had.


The relationship was not good, it was a lie on her part. No Contact her and make your life even better than it ever was. Go out and find someone who truly cares about you because she surely didn't.

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well, one good turn deserves another. you gave me good advice so i offer you what i know.


it's a good thing that you take some time for yourself and heal. it's also a good thing that you're not willing to accept her cheating and to take her back, this shows that you respect yourself despite how much you care about her.


in relationships, we should all strive to pick people who will treat us the way we want to be treated and the way we deserve to be treated. you did not deserve to be cheated upon or to have your feelings hurt so abruptly especially from someone you cared about a lot. it is a good thing to forgive, but we do not always want to forget the lessons we learn.


and about wanting to be yourself...yes it's a good idea to want to be yourself. i think part of going through pain is that we learn and grow from unexpected painful experiences even if it hurts like hell when we go through them. so take some time to figure out what u want.


i know that i myself am meeting different guys and slowly figuring out that honesty, sincerity and integrity of character is something im coming to value, respect, and look for in others. and that this is becoming just as important to me as physical attractiveness.


oh yeah, k.i.t you have a good head on ur shoulders. feel free to msg. and talk.

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