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"The Horrors of Sleep"


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I just felt like sharing one of my favourite poems, by Emily Bronte.




Sleep brings no joy to me,

Remembrance never dies,

My soul is given to mystery,

And lives in sighs.


Sleep brings no rest to me;

The shadows of the dead

My wakening eyes may never see

Surround my bed.


Sleep bring no hope to me,

In soundest sleep they come,

And with their doleful imag'ry

Deepen the gloom.


Sleep brings no strength to me,

No power renewed to brave

I only sail a wilder sea,

A darker wave.


Sleep brings be friend to me

To soothe and aid to bear;

They all gaze on, how scornfully,

And I despair.


Sleep brings no wish to fret

My harassed heart beneath;

My only wish is to forget

In endless sleep of death.

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  • 3 months later...

Having trouble sleeping buddy? I know how that goes. Worrying about every little thing, constant thoughts running in your head. Nothing to distract yourself from the thoughts you don't want to think of. Sleep can bring no relief.


On the hand, you can have some really nice dreams.


I liked it darkblue. Got any more to share?

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