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Especially when you can't tell the other person that you can't get through the day without thinking about them...when you can't tell them that being with them makes you feel whole...how you miss them when you can't see them (didn't see her at all today). I am head over heels in love with someone I've known for a few years now. When I'm with her I feel like I can be myself and she won't judge me. But unfortuantely, I am 99.9% sure that she is straight. We even talk about guys together (since I am interested in them also). But I just want to hold on to her and never let go, at the same time I don't want to tell her how I feel and risk the chance of ruining this incredible friendship we have. There are certain things that she does that leads me to believe that she likes me (private jokes, eye contact, so on and so forth), but they could be mistaken for just friendly gestures. Although they seem so much stronger sometimes. Thanks for reading...no response is necessarily required (unless you feel like you can help me, then let me hear it haha). I just needed to vent. Thanks.

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I met a guy four years ago that made me feel that way about him. We never talked about girls together, Even though I was very closeted at the time, I never pretended to like girls. I loved him and his friendship so I didn't really want to ruin it by coming right out and telling him. I did say things to him like when you get your place I'm moving in with you and I'm doing this for you because you're special. So, I don't see how he couldn't tell. I would see his name on highways signs and televison. I thought about him around the clock, I'd smile when I saw him and he'd have this big smile on his face too. He's out of my life now, It took me a long time to get over him. I'm sure whoever ends up with him female or male will be happy. He's a good intellegent goal oriented man.

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I was in a situation like that recently, but I was the girl who was "straight". I'd liked my friend, who I knew was bisexual, for about three months before I finally told her I was bi too and that I liked her. I knew there was a chance that she liked me back (which turned out to be the case, and she's now my girlfriend), but I was afraid of liking her. I wanted to be "normal". When I told her that I liked her I found out that she'd liked me for even longer than I'd liked her but had always thought I was straight and was trying not to give in to her feelings for me and risk ruining our friendship.


I'm not saying this is definitely the case with you and your friend, but there's a chance. Everyone I knew except my best friend (not the same person as my current girlfriend; I view my best friend as a sister more than anything else) had thought I was straight until just before we started going out. No one had expected me of all people to be bisexual. While it's possible your situation is different and your friend is straight after all, it's also possible she's just like me and is scared, in which case it's likely she'll eventually get over her fears as I did.


Just thought I'd try giving the possible other side of the story.

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Thanks...I greatly appreciate the responses. Sorry that other people have to be in the same boat I'm in. It's sinking. haha I know I will survive either way; it's just tough. Though I haven't totally pushed the thought of telling her out of my mind. I'm just so afraid that she's in the same boat as I am in. Meaning we're screwed. haha I know though that if it's meant to be, it will happen.

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Does she know your bi? Or does she think your straight? If she knew you were bi, that might make her tell you her feelings. There are things girls do, like flirting with another girl, that straight girls do NOT do. What kinds of things does she do to give you mixed signals? Do you go out with her, one-on-one? That might be a good way to find out somethings about her. Do you even know how she feels about sexuality (gay, lesbian, bi...)? Maybe you can play-out a scenario for her...who knows? But I know it's hard to like someone and not be reciprocated. Stay strong and things will work out the way they're meant to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread is so poignant. Definitely strikes the same chord as how I'm feeling now. Thinking about someone too much while trying not to be overrided by the feelings - those mind battles are just so emotionally consuming. Not to mention the agony of advancing the friendship between you and your special someone while trying hard not to scare her / him away...


Sorry I can't give good advice. Hope things work out fine for you guys and girls.

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