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inspiration's poetry thread


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Well I get the urge to write and I can't keep making threads... so I'll just post them in here. Alot of my stuff really doesn't flow too well. But it's just expression of thought...


What comes between us.

sometimes i'm unhappy.

but it will never come between us.

i'd like to say how much I love you.

but girl, space is indefinite, while time is not.

and every minute I think of you, is another minute you're absent.

if you come to me now, time will not stop.

however you will occupy the empty space.

the empty space that is now between us.

what comes between us is not time or emotions...

it's just we do not yet know that we were meant to be.

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Time flies with Funny Colors

long days lead to early mornings/

into my door, under my head is my pillow/

feeling tired I say hello to my eyelids/

it's then that i realize sleeping is an art/

blue, yellow, orange, red all on the back of my flesh/

my eyelids are like a canvas,

and my imagination the artist,

then the alarm sounds,

and just as i take the floor/

the morning newspaper hits my door/

three hours in what felt like ten minutes/

re-energized and ready to do it again/

days like these can only make the funny colors that much better/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been really bogged down lately by school work. Taking a break from a paper and looking at all the beautiful people on the internet... i thought I would write something.


Words are like time,

There will never be enough to describe you,

But time does stop,

Time stops when I'm with you,

I do not know you, but from our short conversations,

I can tell something is there,

You speak of friends, ex-boyfriends, mom and dad,

my lack of relationships makes me not care,

I'm sometimes cold hearted,

But I never get close to anyone,

My attachment it seems, is no attachment at all,

But you make me want to change,

and... i'm affraid...

because i fell for a girl once....

and i fall so hard....




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Yours is the best among those I have read by now...

I am a fairly new memeber of this forum, so I have not read all poems here. But I have read a few, however those poems have niether ryphm nor rythm. Probably, I should read more and then judge. Actually, I have no rights to judge. We are all actors, trying to act as someone else, but in fact we are not. But I liked your poem. It has a poem structure. You are really talanted. Wish you thriving.

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Yours is the best among those I have read by now...

I am a fairly new memeber of this forum, so I have not read all poems here. But I have read a few, however those poems have niether ryphm nor rythm. Probably, I should read more and then judge. Actually, I have no rights to judge. We are all actors, trying to act as someone else, but in fact we are not. But I liked your poem. It has a poem structure. You are really talanted. Wish you thriving.


your words are greatly appreciated.


it's not really poetry to me it's just thought... alot of it doesn't rhyme but there is usually a symbolical link.

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Here is one more.


Tell me... tell me what you want

are rational thoughts merely a game?

I live through thought and reactions

however I can't react to my own feelings

I take problematic approaches to self healing

but this has never been a safe remedy

atleast once I hope to overcome this feeling

my feeling of self absord loneliness.



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  • 3 weeks later...

been awhile.

When does this race end.

When does insomnia begin and tiredness cease.


Blank stare at a white wall…

Nothing there…

Nothing but memories I miss.

Missed memories in a white wall.

I must be losing my mind.

Losing my mind…

My mind is always spoken and never lost.

I’m tired… of all the attempts to get better.

Tired of everyone around me.

Tired of having no one around me.

Tell me something…. Tell me what it takes to be.

To be someone other than me?

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in order for anything to be kept up I have to be miserable.

i swear it's pathetic.


i feel sad, lonely, and depressed,

would you hold me in lower spirits,

if I said i'm everything but impressed?

i have walked with you and clutched your hand.

now i'm nothing more than a forgotten soul.

nothings more frustrating than feeling my heart turn cold.

i saw spoken words in the cool winter night,

but wish i never heard them.

if i could win you over,

i shall not stray from what I hold true.

but it's hard to win anyone over... because now...

my respect just doesn't fulfill what you think others could do for you.

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