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You should let him know how happy it makes you feel when he compliments you (not justsaying youre beautiful)

Don't ask him or hint to him calling you beautiful more. You want it to be honest and spontanious as suprema99 said. Thats what makes it so flattering.

If you ask him, then everytime he says it, you might just think hes saying it to make you happy.

Be gratefull he's said it at all, and try not to focus on how *little* he said, but that he said it at all.

Trust me, there are guys out there that will either not compliment you at all, or will falsly compliment you too much.

Try not to think about it to much, and when it does happen, enjoy it and show him how happy it makes you.

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I would just like to hear it more often.







Next time he says it simply say " you know that realllly makes me feel special " Then give him a little kiss . Leave it at that . . .


Like others have said . Don't worry about it . It won't make you feel as good as it does if he said it every day now would it ?

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It reminds me of the old story of a married couple. The wife complained, "My husband of 50 years has only told me he loved me once, and that was on our wedding day." The husband countered with, "I never told you again, because I never changed my mind about loving you."


I think you're boyfriend may just think it's obvious that he finds you attractive, seeing as how he's still with you. I like what the others said, just tell him it really makes you feel good when he gives you compliments. I know how you feel - I am like that too.


Good luck!

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I would use a carrot and stick approach, and I would approach the topic rather indirectly. In other words, I would not tell him you want him to call you beautiful.


What he is not doing does not surprise me. When I was in college, a litle older than him and you, I dated a beautiful woman, in my opinion, who I was in love with. A guy at that age is not so secure that he can say those thigns all the time. We say it once a year and think that is enough. Now, I get a woman on the phone and say "Hey Gorgeous" and it comes out of me easily, but I am a lot more confident now. I can be sappy now without feeling whimpy. He's not yet at that point, so don't expect big changes.


But to get him to do it. I would first of all, see him one day and be in a great mood. And all way up and when he asks why tell him it was because someone told you you were hot, gorgeous or something like it.

Then you shouldl be rather aloof to him, happy about the comment, aloof from him. And he will tell you soemthing good. In the next days, grab him at soem time, grab him and kiss him like you want to suck his lungs out, and do it when he does not expect. Then tell him that you did it because he told you that. If that does not work, I'll try to think of soemthing else.

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He says it when he means it what's wrong with that? I mean its like saying I love you all the time, its going to get old after hearing it for a while. These things are better when they're not over-used all the time. Why not appreciate these three times its been used..like darkblue said wouldn't you appreciate the three real ones than the rest of the times being fake or something like that?

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My guess is this is out of insecurity.


Compliments are meant to be heartfelt, and sincere - asking him to say it more only takes away from their significance.


When he says it, tell him that it makes you feel wonderful and amazing, but don't "fish" for them.

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