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Well today sucks for some reason a little more than some others have, I am having such a hard time trying not to think about the ex and the more I try not to the more I do....then I keep running through everything and I really really miss him today.


It sucks going through this, and I know everything happens for a reason but I really can't see the reason right now...the hardest thing for me to let go of is the whys ? and I know there will always be whys ? but I can't stop thinking about them !!


I thought things were suppose to get better after a month...my problem is I don't want to move on and I keep hoping that everything will be fine when I know in my heart it wont be, but my mind keeps hoping...I am torturing myself. I just hope that those on the other side have to feel some of this pain as well becasue it is not fair !!!!!


Augh !!!

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Tell yourself that there is someone much better out there for you, someone who will never hurt you or make you cry. Be really positive, don't let it show that you are hurting. Guys love when girls can smile through any circumstances. Get busy with other things like join a club or take some sort of lessons, fill your day with many exciting things to do and before you know it you won't think about him, you won't have any time.

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Hello 2clueless,


I know......its not fun. Youre definitely not alone. From being on this sight alone, i notice that the people who tend to miss their exe's alot fall into two "general" categories. The first is those who were the dumpees(those who got dumped). The second is the dumpers. Not just any dumper though. I'm talking about those who broke up with their significant other in not so nice a way. They feel overwhelmed with guilt because the grass isnt greener on the other side. I must say, things may not get better after a "month". In fact they might get worse. It all really depends on how long you were together and why you broke up. The irrisistable impulse to call youre ex may be intense. Its important that you dont attempt to contact the "ex" and just focus on you. I'll tell you, its been about a year for me, and i still think about my ex, but it definitely gets alot better. After a year of no contact, i feel so much better about myself. I see life so much differently. Everything is much much clearer. That being said, I know its tough but force yourself to continue doing the positive things you did before you met youre ex, such as hanging out with friends, working out, whatever. Just do it. Reinvent yourself. Work on any underlying issues that you may have had. Stay away from alcohol. Put anything that might remind you of youre ex out of sight. Write in a journal. Try something new like meditation. Never lose sight of the fact that you deserve happiness. Dont expect a certain amount of time for the pain to go away, it just will. Time heals all things. On days when you feel particulary low create a situation that will make you smile(looking at a comedy, talk to a friend that will make you laugh. Some days will be worse than others, but thats just part of the healing process. I hope you feel better soon.

Stay well and create a better day.

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hey you,

i got news for you. i have felt that way for 2 years. and the relationship only lasted 8 months. u know what u need to do. talk to him. do whatever u can for him to listen to they way u feel. if he doesn't then he doesn't care for you and u don't really wanna be with sumone who doesn't care for you do you? try to be persistent on talking with him. once u realize that maybe he don't want you back or anything to do with u then move on. u can't be stuck on the same friggen guy for the rest of ur life. ur guna feel like shit but u have to what u have to do.


sorry on being harsh gotta tell ya the way it is!!



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Hey.... Yeah, believe me i have been having days just like that. And the thing that bugs me the most is the WHY it happened to... I never saw the reason, still don't. I know it just can drive a girl nuts thinkign about it, but u probably just dont understand y a good romance failed.. I dont think any words of mine can make u feel better, i know it just sucks big time. I wonder the same things you wonder a lot..If he cares the way i do at all and stuff.. If you wanna PM to talk about anything, feel free because im going through the same crap...


Lots of Luck


it will somehow get better...

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Dear 2clueless,


I'm sorry you're going through this. I know it hurts. Actually I'm there right now and just last night my dreams were full of the guy who dumped me a few weeks ago and though I know it was for the better it still hurts.


If trying not to think about your ex makes you think about him more then stop trying not to think about him! You've got to grieve, even if you're better off without him. And the only way to grieve is to go through the feelings. It sounds like you're trying to be too stoic about this whole thing. But one thing I would try not to do is analyze. Don't kill yourself thinking, why, why, why???!?!? Just scream and pound things, cry your eyes out, stop trying to be so rational and collected about things. But the constant questioning is torture and meaningless.


Of course it hurts. Not having this guy in your life has left a big hole, a big vacuum and often, the worse things were toward the end the bigger the emptiness feels because you were probably thinking about him, him, him all the time.


Just think about yourself and doing little things to get you back living. I wouldn't worry about other guys now. It's way too soon. Just think about yourself.


Today I got back exercising for the first time in three weeks and yesterday was the first day I didn't pig out on sweet things.


I would advise against talking to this guy. That could be the worst thing. And besides, don't give him the chance to hurt you even more but saying he doesn't care. And if he does care you're going to be hurting more thinking you want to be together with him again. Stay away. Get your life on track again and maybe it's been off track for a long time, meaning that you may have been neglecting yourself when you were together with him. That's always a no-no.


Don't worry about whether he feels pain. It's not relevant!! YOU, YOU, YOU. Start looking in the mirror and talking about how YOU feel, what YOU'RE doing, everything to do with YOU.


Heh, good luck. I'm doing the same thing so know you're not alone.

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