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a dating question

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hey guys,


Im brand new to this forum but i am a bit curious about something...


Lately, i've found it harder and harder to strike up conversation with girls. Like i know i could...but the conversation will die after a few days so whats the point you know? I am no longer seeing the point of talking to new girls because since we know nothing about each other before i talk to them it always seems like we fall into the, "Hey, whats up" "nothin, you?" "Nothin here either" *silence* category after 4-5 days of solid talking.


Anybody know the feeling im talking about? Or how to get over it? Its making me seriously not feel like dating anymore lol.

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You shouldn't always feel the need to have something to say. True, only saying "hi, how's it going blah blah blah" can get dull after a while, butwhat I've found is that at least with some girls, conversations seem to start themselves. In fact, sometimes they will initiate by asking about a test or something else in common. A girl may even ask something totally random,

I wouldn't put much faith in websites. In fact, I would tak eeverything you hear on this forum with a grain of salt. What works for some of us simply wont work for all of us.

What I find are good conversation starters are the simple: "How has your week gone? What sorts of fun things have you done etc." Ask them about what they're doing in their classes, what their plans are for the weekend. Stuff like that.


Remember, sometimes you don't need to say a lot and they'll approach you. Not much may get said, but we express things in ways other than words.



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Maybe you don't have great conversation skills. Part of this could be because you don't have a lot going on in your life. Supercharge your life with activities, and put yourself out there more.


Even if you do not, you almost don't even need to. Don't ask close-ended questions like:


How was your day?


A better way to say that is:


What did you do today?


If tehy are describing what they did and it is about something you can relate to, then start talking about it. Such as:


Oh, you went to the comedy club? I've always wanted to go there. What were the comic's like?


etc. Besides, when you first meet someone it is better to ask them questions about themselves and their interests. If you meet someone and talk about yourself it gets old quick.

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