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Age difference and sex

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I am beginning to date someone who is 7 years younger than I am. I think he has dated women who are younger than he his. And has also dated someone older (plastic surgery women - LOL)


My question has more to do with body image and what guys think about a women who does not have the body of a 25 year old anymore. I work out on a regular basis, but gravity has finally caught up to me in certain areas. He is at the gym on a regular basis, no body fat... etc... I am a little nervous if our dating becomes physical. I am afraid that he will not find me physically attractive.


Are there any younger guys out there that has dated an older women who does not have a young tight body? Any thoughts?

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If he likes you your flawless in his eyes, don't worry about it. Everyone tends to get a little bigger as they get older but that's life, that's like getting taller as a teen. It's not going to affect him liking you or anything. If he's into your personality a lot and into the way you look already, then don't worry about it. Most people grow out of that "I have to have a hot gf" as in high school as they get older and grow out of that part and will date people of different shapes and sizes. It's all about personality. Although I will admit physical attraction is important, if you care about what you look like and don't appear like you don't give a ****, then at least he'll know your trying and love you for it.

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if he loves he loves ya. My wonderful partner is a lot more then 7 years older then me,and as you put he isn't tight anymore. It has never ever been issue with me and i really doubt it will be for your partner. I am physically attracted to him but not because he is a young guy with a happening bod, but because of his personality. The way he smiles, his eyes... One of the most beautiful and expressive part of our bodies is our eyes and they don't change. If you can think of one reason why he would be attracted to you, i bet he will name that one plus a thousand more. Most people are not shallow,but if he is then he isn't worth it.

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My man is 25 years older than me. I am 22 and he is 47. I fell in love with his personality and that has in turn made me see him as attractive. I know that he is not the sexiest thing walking on two legs, but he is attractive in his own way and I do feel attracted to him. I especially like his eyes and bum.

If he really loves you, he will find you attractive. But, I personally think that one should not 'let themselves go' as some would say.

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When I was 21 I preferred to date women from 36 to 44. At 24 I married a 36 year old. After divorce, at 28 I dated a 47 year old. For sex, the age difference never once entered my mind. With the 47 year old, I was mostly concerned with how we looked publicly. At age 33, I dated a 44 year old, and that was the end of dating older women for me. I couldn't be serious about marriage with a women so close to menopause, and since then I date or consider for marriage women much younger than me.


So it depends on what kind of relationship you have, and what he sees when he sees a woman. For some guys, they see personality and soul much stronger than they see a body. And that changes over time too. I don't think there is a generic answer about it. For me, sex has usually been about how much love and intimacy and spark you can share. Nowadays, I also appreciate a young body, but that might be because I like to play Daddy, and because I like the youth injection.

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I am dating a guy 6 years my junior, and our sex life is very hot...I do not have the perfect body, but I think what counts is that we older gals know what to do with what we have. Also I think that some guys prefer older women because we are intelligent, experienced and self assured--and they find that very sexy...

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