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True that most girls forgive cheating?


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Novaseeker say : Let's say you've been married for 15 years, have three kids and one of the spouses has a one-night stand with someone, and fesses up about it. No tolerance? Throw away 15 years and wreck the lives of 3 kids because of a one night stand affair?


Hell ya, he would he out the door the minute I know, whether he told me or I catch him, I wouldn't care how much he begs me. Thats just horrible to do in committed relations whether u were drunk or not. YOU DON'T DO THAT. As a fact I would prollie also start filling for divorce. And no I won't wreck the lives of three kids, they would be spending time with me some days and with their dad on other days. Who ever say that u have to put up with cheating just cuz u married and with kids really wasn't raised right.

As of a fact my parents also have no tolerance for it. Dad say if she really did it. she would be out the door and mom say the same thing.

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Cheating with me is a definate way to lose me. I've had one relationship to date and she cheated on me with 2 guys in the one night - while I was in hospital. I found out from my friends, confronted her, and she admitted.


Anyone that has that little respect for me can leave. That whole situation nearly destroyed my life (a lot more to it than just the cheating) but no way would I ever forgive someone that cheated on me.


Sure you can say it depends on the circumstances, but I don't expect anything I dont expect of myself. I would NEVER cheat on a girl, and if I am going to give my unconditional love and commitement to a girl, I expect it back.

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Yea, I read it Compuguy and sorry to hear u had to go through that, wut a BI ur ex was (excuse the language but I hate them cheaters). And while u were in a hospital, dang, she sure didn't care about you and then people use the "But I was drunk excuse", how lame and childish. If I'm to be in a relation and the minute he ask me to be his g/f, I would be telling him the three ways he'll lose me right away, by cheating (no question about that), by abusing me (I mean any type) and then by lying, no second chances. As you say it Compguy I would expect the same respect from him, nothing more nor less.

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