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dont get women

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How can you tell?


I won't be cheap with my advice, so here goes:


1. When she doesn't mention "I think we should be friends." I think that when a woman says this, it's pretty obvious she's not quite feelin it, even if the timing is somewhat off. I know that if I met an awesome dude, and we 'both' liked each other, I would definitely give the relationship a try. Why not? When it comes to matters of the heart, people often choose what's pleasurable. So, automatically, this also applies to mate selection/companionship.


2. The little things she does for you. If she's concerned with what's going on in your life. If she buys you your special candy that you like as a surprise. Or, if she uses her domestic qualities, and whips up a nice dinner from you every so often. It doesn't have to be everyday, but at least, she gives it a try at least once.


3. If she respects your parents/family. If a girl respects your family, even though the dynamics might be a bit dysfunctional, at least you know that she loves you. Besides, a person's family is reflective of their values/upbringings. Sometimes, they could be the exact oppossite from what they're raised to be. Anyway, if for some reason, she cannot stand something about your family and criticizes them, then I see it more as her not fully accepting them as they are. Even if a person were to come from a background in which their families are druggies/potheads, if she loves that person, she would at least realize, "Something's obviously wrong here, but I'm sure I can somewhat understand where they're coming from." But, if they're racist, and she can't stand them, that, I can understand but she would at least still understand why they are so ignorant. Key thing- an important quality about love is *Understanding/Acceptance*


4. When she as faith in you as her man.


5. When she has the ability to empathize with you.


Anyway, these are some things that I can think of for now. I guess it also applies to when a man loves a woman as well. When we're talking about love, love is love.


So when you meet a woman, you will know if she loves you by the way she treats you. For those who say that there are no ways to describe love, well, I guess they've never loved before. When you think of love, think of all of the synonyms associated with it- caring, respect, honesty, generosity, sweetness, comfort, warmth, openness, gentleness, understanding, etc., and you feel that a person gives that to you, then you know that that person loves you. Hope this helps!

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Women are just as bad as men when it comes to the relationships department. Sometimes, worse.

I can never work out why so many women stay with abusive pieces of poo that treat them like dirt, and say that they love them; even when their soulmate passes by - they just don't seem to have the insight anymore to recognise how their lives are being destroyed...

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Since I am one of these fallible and confused women, I'm going to help you out. We get scared. Plain and simple. When things start to become more than "first-date" we start getting nervous, worried, confused, you name it. Just give her time. Get past the insecurities, and you'll find out if you two will ever make it.

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